This is a 3-month master degree level reverse engineering introduction course covering both theory and practice.
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Modules 6, 7, and 8 are developed by pancake. Module 9 is developed by zlowram, giomismo, and myself for an r2con training 2017 IIRC.
The contents of the course follow:
- Introduction to Memory Architecture
- The Basics
- Processors / CPUs
- IA-32 Memory Management
- Addresses
- Flat Memory Model
- Segmented Memory Model
- IA-32 Operation Modes
- Real Mode
- Protected Mode
- IA-32 Segmentation
- IA-32 Paging
- Page Address Extension (PAE)
- Page Address Translation Process
- Introduction to Memory Protection
- Protection Through Segmentation
- Protection Through Paging
- Reality
- Homework
- Hands-on: Kernel Debugging for Segmentation and Paging Analysis in IA32
- The Basics
- Binary File Formats
- Binary Files
- The Basics
- PE Binary Format
- DOS/MZ Header
- PE Header
- File Header
- Optional Header
- Section Headers
- Imports
- Import Directory
- Import Descriptor
- Exports
- Resources
- Thread Local Storage (TLS)
- Relocations
- ELF Binary Format
- Headers
- ELF Header
- Program Header
- Section Header
- ELF Headers Analysis
- Imports & Exports
- Resolving Imports
- ELF vs PE
- Appendices
- Hands on: Finish all exercises in this module
- Binary Files
- Introduction to Static Analysis
- Introduction
- The Tools
- Identify Binary
- Imports
- Exports
- Strings
- Others
- File Entropy
- Packers
- Malicious Indicators
- Understanding Instruction Set Architectures
- The Basics
- x86 & x64
- Workflow
- General Purpose Registers, Assignments
- radare2, gcc, main_x86
- radare2, Visual C++, main.exe (x86) - Debug Mode
- radare2, Visual C++, main.exe (x86) - Release Mode
- Fast Recap
- radare2, gcc, main_x86 - Stripping Symbols
- Extra Instructions for Assignments
- radare2, Visual C++, main.exe (x64) - Release Mode
- Arithmetics
- Control Flow (with IDA Pro)
- Some Nested Conditions (debugging with x64dbg)
- Some Mystery
- Stack Operations
- Functions
- Stack Frames
- Calling conventions, x86
- Stack Frames
- Final Thoughts
- Homework
- Malware Analysis
- Adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
- Introduction
- Attack Taxonomy
- Cyber Kill Chain
- Defense in Depth
- Persistence
- Privilege Escalation
- Defense Evasion
- Credential Access
- Discovery
- Lateral Movement
- Execution
- Collection
- Exfiltration
- Command and Control
- Homework
- Hands on: Extracting Wannacry IOCs through Static Analysis
- Introduction to Dynamic Analysis
- Introduction
- The Tools
- Inspecting Processes
- Registry / File Changes
- DNS Resolution
- Monitor All the Things
- Ready to Use Solutions
- Homework
- Adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
- Introduction to non-Intel Architectures (by pancake)
- Introduction
- Spectre & Meltdown
- Where are They?
- PowerPC
- Relative Code
- Endianness
- Toolchains
- De-Compilers
- Manual Inspection
- Intermediate Languages
- Dynamic Analysis
- Process State
- Problem Solvers
- Forensics from the Reverse Engineering Perspective (by pancake)
- Forensics?
- Acquisition
- Partitions & FileSystems
- SleuthKit
- Volatility
- R2K
- Network
- Carving
- Yara
- Binwalk
- Visualization
- DataStructs;
- Searching
- Diffing Data
- Vulnerability Research (by pancake)
- Bugs…
- I found a bug!
- Types of Bugs
- Techniques
- Dynamic Testing
- Fuzzing
- Classification
- Finding 1-days
- Healing bins
- CrashLogs
- Introduction to unpacking using r2 (by zlowram, giomismo, newlog)
- Introduction
- Useful r2 commands for unpacking
- Techniques and samples
- Locky
- Dridex Dropper
- UPX #1
- UPX #2
- UPX #3
- Dealing with the IAT
- Partial Exam, Final Exam, Recovery Exam