Capacitor plugin for the SmartScanner Core library to scan MRZ, NFC and barcodes
- 4
Android build not working
#27 opened by swapnaliDeveloper - 0
Problem compiling on Android
#30 opened by feldiazp - 0
iOS: Missing function implementation
#29 opened by ManthanBhatt - 0
PDF417 crash in capacitor app
#25 opened by nicholemnl - 1
- 5
build.gradle fails to resolve :libsmartscanner-debug and :libsmartscanner-mrz-parser
#20 opened by spencerAEE - 0
#2 opened by arnellebalane - 8
- 3
The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.5.20 and higher.
#19 opened by spencerAEE - 0
- 2
- 5
[`Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED`] Cannot run latest version 0.5.0-beta.7
#14 opened by rs2-davebanguilan - 3
Support for Capacitor v3 and up
#13 opened by rs2-davebanguilan - 1
bundleDebugAar build error
#9 opened by rjmangubat23 - 1
Fix parsing of nameOfHolder for NFC scan
#5 opened by rjmangubat23 - 0
Publish package to NPM
#4 opened by arnellebalane