
Docker and Rancher files for easily deploying Consul, Consul Agent, and Registror

Primary LanguageShell


Uses Rancher to deploy a HA Consul cluster (3 nodes) with agents and registrator on all hosts in an environment.


There are two good options for deploying this as a stack. You can either create a new stack from the web UI and copy and paste the contents of the docker-compose.yml and rancher-compose.yml files into the relevant fields or you can deploy via the rancher-compose CLI:

rancher-compose --url http://rancher-server:8080 --access-key XXXXXXX --secret-key XXXXXX up -d

You can then access http://<host_ip>:8500/ui/ from your workstation, replacing host_ip with the IP address of one of the hosts in your Rancher environment.


You can perform rolling upgrades of the entire cluster with the following command:

rancher-compose --url http://rancher-server:8080 --access-key XXXXXXX --secret-key XXXXXX up -d \
  -u --interval 300000 --batch-size 1

This is set to be conservative, upgrading one service at a time every 5 minutes.