
Commonly Used Circuits in Eagle PCB. This is a complete circuit hub for building project in a short time.

MIT LicenseMIT

Eagle Circuit Hub

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Commonly used Schematic for building circuit board

This is a collection of my schematic for developing designing PCB board in Eagle PCB in a short time. The library contains follwing sub-directory.

  • Microcontroller
  • Power Supply
  • RF
  • RF SOC
  • Timer
  • Sensor
  • Switch
  • Connectors
  • Memory


  • ATmega328P.sch
  • ATmega328P_SMD_0603.sch
  • MSP430FR2433_SMD_0603.sch

Power Supply

  • LM2596.sch
  • LM2596_SMD_0603.sch
  • 1117_3.3V.sch
  • 1117_3.3V_SMD_0603.sch
  • 1117_Adj.sch
  • 1117_Adj_SMD_0603.sch
  • 7805.sch
  • 7805_SMD_0603.sch
  • LM2596.sch
  • LM2596_SMD_0603.sch
  • TPS6273x.sch

Common SMD Components used

  1. Resistor - R-US_R0603
  2. Capacitor - C-EUC0603
  3. Inductor - L-USL0603