
Generates a spotify playlist using a location (US state) and a list of music genres.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Playlist creator

The app creates a playlist from bands related to the genres selected and also bands that will play in the State picked by the user as well. This application uses your Spotify credentials to log in, and it generates a playlist to your profile.

You can give it a try here.

How to

After download and unzip the project inside a folder, go to the projects folder and using the terminal type the next command to install all the dependencies:

npm install

When the installation finishes, we need to run the node server for the app:

node app

Now we are able to see the app just going to the URL: http://localhost:8888

After log in in using your Spotify account you can choose a location (US state) and between three and five genres (press enter key to add a new genre).

All the production files are inside of the /public folder apart from the node application file (app.js) that is on the root of the projects folder.


To develop the app I used mainly vanilla javascript. To be able to order my code using MVC paradigm and use some patterns such us mediator-pattern or command-pattern I use the library somajs

For the OAUTH authentication I followed the examples of @JMPerez built using Nodejs with Express.

For the css I use sass. To precompile the files I am using grunt and the watch task. Also, I use grunt to minify the css files.

For the grids and the look and feel of the app I use bootstrap 3. I use it for the responsiveness as well.

I have some unit tests for the app (mainly for the models and the controller). These unit tests has been developed using mocha, chai and sinon.


To run the tests you need to do it on the browser, just launching the url of the tests itself.