Example git repository with DNS settings, read more here: http://www.luadns.com/help.html
To add a domain to LuaDNS service, add a DOMAIN-NAME.lua or DOMAIN-NAME.bind configuration file to git repository and push updates with git.
To remove a domain from LuaDNS service, remove it's configuration file from git repository and push updates with git.
- templates.lua - This file is executed before each .lua zone file (depreciated)
- templates - All .lua files from this directory are executed automatically before each .lua zone file
- example.com.lua - Example zone using Lua zone format
- example.com.clones - Domain aliases examaple (one domain per line)
- example.org.bind - Example zone using Bind zone format
- 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa.lua - Reverse zone using Lua zone format