- 1
Add dynamic custom attributes to Log
#1275 opened by mbyrne00 - 6
Unable to add custom attribute to Celery trace
#1243 opened by schallis - 1
- 3
Agent could not initialize properly
#1267 opened by mugane-dj - 9
Significant CPU consumption when agent is on
#1177 opened by maybephilipp - 8
10.3.0 doesn't send any (?) data to New Relic's servers due to dependency version serialization errors
#1253 opened by sh-at-cs - 2
Celery tracing has stopped reporting to new relic console after version 9.9
#1219 opened by fernandoaguilar - 6
- 1
Support reading configuration from pyproject.toml
#1229 opened by Tatsh - 1
return in finally swallows exceptions
#1246 opened by iritkatriel - 4
- 2
New Relic Instrumentor on FastAPI app fails when both OpenTelemetry and Middleware are setup
#1136 opened by csuriano23 - 8
New issue related to the new package `uvicorn_worker.UvicornWorker` (the last one was deprecated)
#1208 opened by jefer94 - 1
Time not attributed to boto3
#1230 opened by daveisfera - 1
Support Elasticsearch async client
#1204 opened by jairhenrique - 2
- 2
- 8
New Relic ASGI wrapper stop working
#1152 opened by jefer94 - 2
- 3
boto3 not instrumented
#1178 opened by daveisfera - 1
Support to RSGI protocol.
#1180 opened by jairhenrique - 1
Include backtrace when logger.exception(...) is called.
#1181 opened by philomory - 6
Public interface should allow type checking
#1179 opened by sh-at-cs - 2
- 1
Exception when invalid IP address
#1076 opened by antoineleclair - 2
- 3
Content length calculation raises TypeError
#1164 opened by AlexanderArvidsson - 4
Support Lambda Extension
#1139 opened by rittneje - 1
test workato integration
#1142 opened by umaannamalai - 3
Error in NewRelic on publishing to kafka in Python
#1045 opened by mishikaraj - 1
Structlog hook fails to append to processors
#1039 opened by rchui - 2
mysql instrumentation in async contexts
#952 opened by nburns - 0
Issue with redis call being interjected by aioredis hook
#1035 opened by SanketDG - 1
- 3
ASGIBrowserMiddleware does not apply when the headers are not lower cased.
#1011 opened by trauty-is-me - 2
Django graphql queries failing with APM agent installed with error bind_resolve_field_v3() takes 4 positional arguments but 6 were given
#933 opened by peteror - 1
- 3
NR can't ASGI wrap Django Channels
#986 opened by rivte2 - 1
NR cannot instrument tracing with python agent on non-web application
#995 opened by jonathan-fileread - 2
Error in K8S ipv6 addresses validation `CommonUtilization.valid_chars()` / `VALID_CHARS_RE`
#1001 opened by akaRem - 5
Increased CPU usage since 8.11.0 / 8.10.1 release
#927 opened by khink - 14
cpu blocked for ~10s before first request on complex Flask app with gevent on 8.10.1 release
#918 opened by ddorian - 1
redis.scan_iter return coroutine object
#944 opened by saber-solooki - 3
Access __version__ is deprecated
#862 opened by AngellusMortis - 3
- 2
- 2
- 0
Instrumenting flask commands
#864 opened by ddorian - 0
- 1