
Validates licenses of your Rails dependencies against a whitelist

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Papers Build Status

"Papers, please."

Check that your Ruby project's dependencies are licensed with only the licenses you specify. Papers will validate that your gems and JavaScript files conform to a whitelist of software licenses. Don't get caught flat-footed by the GPL.



In your application's Gemfile:

gem 'papers'

Then, after a bundle install, run Papers' installer:

$ bundle exec papers --generate
Created config/papers_manifest.yml!

This creates a YAML file detailing your bundled gems and JavaScript files:

# config/papers_manifest.yml
    license: MIT
    license_url: https://github.com/luislavena/sqlite3-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE
    project_url: https://github.com/luislavena/sqlite3-ruby

    license: Unknown


Configure Papers in your test suite:

# spec/spec_helper.rb or test/test_helper.rb
require 'papers'

Papers.configure do |config|
  # A whitelist of accepted licenses. Defaults to:
  # [
  #   'MIT',
  #   'BSD',
  #   'Apache 2.0',
  #   'Apache-2.0',
  #   'LGPLv2.1',
  #   'LGPLv3',
  #   'Ruby',
  #   'Manually Reviewed',
  #   'Unlicensed'
  # ]
  # config.license_whitelist << 'New Relic'

  # You can specify packages which should be whitelisted regardless of license, in case you know your usage
  # is OK even though you prefer not to use its license in other cases.
  # config.package_whitelist << 'thin-1.7.0'

  # You can specify a single license that, when used, ignores the version. Defaults to nil.
  # WARNING: You should only use this for software licensed in house.
  # config.version_whitelisted_license = 'New Relic'

  # The location of your dependency manifest. Defaults to config/papers_manifest.yml
  config.manifest_file = File.join('config', 'papers_manifest.yml')

  # Configures Papers to validate licenses for bundled gems. Defaults to true.
  config.validate_gems = true

  # Configures Papers to validate licenses for included JavaScript and CoffeScript files. Defaults to true.
  config.validate_javascript = true

  # A list of paths where you have included JavaScript and CoffeeScript files. Defaults to:
  # %w[app/assets/javascripts lib/assets/javascripts vendor/assets/javascripts]
  config.javascript_paths << File.join('public', 'javascripts')

  # A list of paths to exclude from JavaScript/CoffeeScript license validation.
  # This is useful if you have subdirectories that include build dependencies
  # that won't get shipped to your production environment.
  # config.whitelist_javascript_paths << File.join('public', 'javascripts', 'node_modules')

  # Configures Papers to validate licenses for bower components. Defaults to false.
  config.validate_bower_components = false

  # Configures where Papers should look for bower components. Each component
  # must have a .bower.json file in its directory for Papers to see it.
  # config.bower_components_path = 'vendor/assets/components'

  # Configures Papers to validate licenses for NPM dependencies. Defaults to false.
  config.validate_npm_packages = false

  # Configured Papers to ignore NPM dev dependencies. Defaults to false.
  config.ignore_npm_dev_dependencies = false

  # Configures where Papers should look for the package.json file. Defaults to:
  # package.json in the root directory of the project
  config.npm_package_json_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'package.json')

Then, create a test that will validate your dependencies' licenses:

# Using RSpec
require 'spec_helper'

describe 'Papers License Validation' do
  subject(:validator) { Papers::LicenseValidator.new }

  it 'knows and is satisfied by all dependency licenses' do
    expect(validator).to be_valid, -> { "License validation failed:\n#{validator.errors.join("\n")}" }

# Using Minitest (Test::Unit)
require 'test_helper'

class PapersLicenseValidationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  def test_know_and_be_satisfied_by_all_licenses
    validator = Papers::LicenseValidator.new

    assert validator.valid?, "License validation failed:\n#{validator.errors.join("\n")}"

Finally, run your test suite!

$ bundle exec rspec spec/integration/papers_license_validation_spec.rb


  1) Papers License Validation knows and is satisfied by all dependency licenses
     Failure/Error: expect(validator).to be_valid

       expected: true value
            got: false

       License validator failed: sass-3.2.12 is licensed under GPL, which is not whitelisted

       (compared using ==)
     # ./spec/integration/papers_license_validation_spec.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.01043 seconds
1 examples, 1 failures

Generating the manifest from inside your tests

If you update your gems on a frequent basis, failing to remember to update the Papers manifest can be a time-consuming effort in getting your tests to pass. You can add this to your test to generate the manifest automatically:


Note that you should not do this if you manually edit your manifest!


The Papers Gem is licensed under the MIT License. See MIT-LICENSE for full text.


You are welcome to send pull requests to us - however, by doing so you agree that you are granting New Relic a non-exclusive, non-revokable, no-cost license to use the code, algorithms, patents, and ideas in that code in our products if we so choose. You also agree the code is provided as-is and you provide no warranties as to its fitness or correctness for any purpose.