- 0
thread 'main' panicked
#77 opened by IAMMORTUSKILL - 0
Check for GitLab tokens
#71 opened by mueller-ma - 0
Salesforce Hog
#65 opened by manuel-sommer - 0
- 1
Build a scanner that scans for strings with high entropy - suspected passwords
#57 opened by nimrodkor - 0
Compilation/Build Instructions Are Broken
#53 opened by Spencer-Doak - 1
Question: Choctaw Github SSH Key Errors
#52 opened by bp4151 - 7
Confluence secret scanner
#3 opened by madchap - 0
- 4
Update dependencies
#47 opened by cutler-scott-newrelic - 0
Move SecretScanner to its own crate
#44 opened by raulcabello - 2
Choctaw_hog: Enable parallel processing
#46 opened by madchap - 8
GitHub Action for choctaw hog
#32 opened by madchap - 4
choctaw hog fails to run on macOS 12.1 due to incorrect path for libssl.1.1.dylib
#41 opened by sammcj - 1
Scan GitHub and GitHub Enterprise comments
#42 opened by NolanT - 1
Add to Homebrew package manager
#40 opened by sammcj - 6
Choctaw Hog v1.0.9 binary working, v1.0.10 not working
#38 opened by h888t - 1
- 0
- 1
Scan attached files in GitHub issues
#28 opened by nr-security-github - 10
essex_hog flexibility enhancement
#26 opened by cmiller123456 - 1
Rusty Hog Google Drive enhancements
#27 opened by danielhartnell - 0
- 1
- 6
Document regex json format with example
#14 opened by jeffalder - 4
Publish containers to dockerhub
#10 opened by jeffalder - 1
duroc_hog should be recursive by default
#13 opened by jeffalder - 4
- 0
Support whitelist json for duroc_hog
#15 opened by jeffalder - 0
duroc_hog should not search its own output file
#16 opened by jeffalder - 0