
πŸ“° All of news-r tools in one place

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All of news-r R tools in one place.


Lists of packages included.


Data-related packages, packages to collect data, generally from APIs. THe letterbox packages attempts at providing a unified API for all of the latter.

  • newsapi - newsapi.org (news aggregator)
  • guardian - The Guardian API
  • papers - Information on newspapers
  • loc - Library of Congress API
  • webhoser - webhose.io API (news aggregator)
  • currents - Currents API (news aggregator)
  • nytimes - New York Times API
  • spotlight - Entity extraction with DBPedia Spotlight
  • stocknews - Stocknews API (financial news)
  • ft - Financial Times API
  • accunews - AccuNews API (local news)
  • newsriver - newsriver.io API (news aggregator)
  • hoaxy - Fake news monitoring
  • factcheck - Fact check queries or publishers
  • letterbox - News article crawler


Packages for analysis, generally text mining.


You can install newsr from Github with remotes:

# install.packages("remotes")

Loading newsr essentially loads all packages in the environment.

#> ── Attaching newsr ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── newsr 0.0.1 ──
#> βœ” newsapi      0.0.1     βœ” stocknews    0.0.1
#> βœ” guardian     0.0.1     βœ” ft           0.0.1
#> βœ” papers       0.0.1     βœ” newsriver    0.0.1
#> βœ” loc          0.0.1     βœ” letterbox    0.0.1
#> βœ” webhoser     0.0.1     βœ” factcheck    0.0.1
#> βœ” accunews     0.0.1     βœ” textanalysis 0.0.1
#> βœ” hoaxy        0.0.2     βœ” gensimr      0.0.1
#> βœ” currents     0.0.1     βœ” word2vec.r   0.0.1
#> βœ” nytimes      0.1.0     βœ” phrasenets   0.0.1
#> βœ” spotlight    0.1.0

The only function currently available is to check which API keys as set, or in other words, which APIs (packages) the user may call.

#> β„Ή webhoserx, loc, and papers packages do not require keys
#> βœ” newsapi key found
#> βœ” currents key found
#> βœ– factcheck key not found
#> βœ” guardian key found
#> βœ” nytimes key found
#> βœ” ft key found
#> βœ” stocknews key found
#> βœ” accunews key found
#> βœ” newsriver key found
#> βœ” hoaxy key found
#> βœ” webhoser key found

Please note that the β€˜newsr’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.