
dana leong site

Primary LanguageCSS

Dana Site Template

You can use the "issues" button to report bugs

This is the basic site. The current development is being done on the "master" branch.


To use this template, your computer needs:

Verify you have npm and node installed (open a terminal window and type):

node -v // should output a version number
npm -v // should output a version number

Install gulp globally:

npm install gulp -g

This template can be installed by downloading and set up manually.

Manual Setup

To manually set up the template, first download it with Git:

git clone https://github.com/newshorts/danaleong

Then open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:

cd /Path/To/Dana/Folder/danaleong
npm install
bower install

Finally, run npm start to run the Sass compiler. It will re-run every time you change a file.

Viewing the site

If you installed MAMP (above), change the project root directory (settings) to be the /danaleong/ folder (wherever it lives on your computer).

Once you have the root set, hit the power button to start the server.

The site can be seen locally at the following url:
