
SQLite3 with encryption support

Primary LanguageC


SQLite 3 has database encryption support, but this seems to be not publicly available as explained below:

However a Google search for "7bb07b8d471d642e" magic reveals that part of the source code is available from SQLite Web site:
http://www.sqlite.org/slt/vpatch?from=10318b880cb756b2&to=1d627f5850e271cf (encryption added)
http://www.sqlite.org/slt/vpatch?from=1d627f5850e271cf&to=f85e9769888f9e76 (encryption removed)

This project is based on the following SQLite version:
VERSION: 3.7.0
SOURCE ID: 2010-07-02 19:04:59 336ce7d29767f76c4a92aa4bbc46d21e19871667


No Makefile is provided. Compilation (in debug mode) is as easy as:
$ gcc -o sqlite3 -I. -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -DHAVE_READLINE shell.c sqlite3.c -Wall -ggdb -ldl -lpthread -lreadline -lncurses

Tested & supported platforms are:
* Linux (Ubuntu 10.04 x86)
* Windows (Cygwin)
* Mac OS X (10.7)

WARNING: on recent Ubuntu versions, GCC command-line arguments ordering matters.

"The --as-needed option also makes the linker sensitive to the ordering of libraries on the command-line."

*** USAGE:

./sqlite3 -key 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF file.dbx

Note: key length is only limited by 'int' implementation size.


* Encryption key put into ~/.sqliterc file will NOT be taken into account.

* ".backup" and ".restore" meta commands will NOT encrypt the /other/ database (would be easy to implement anyway).

* Rekeying is supported by the API, but not implemented (yet).

*** EOT