
Code for evaluating LLMs on political statements.

Primary LanguagePython

Which party would ChatGPT, Bard and Llama vote for in the Dutch 2023 elections?

Evaluating the political orientation of popular large language models in the Dutch parliamentary elections 2023. That is the goal of this project. We forked the PoliLean Repository and align it to the Stemwijzer voting advice application.

Instead of getting models from Hugging Face and using the transformers pipeline, this repository relies on making API calls to the most currently models that are used in ChatBot applications such as Chat GPT, Bing and Bard. In doing this, we hope to raise awareness of the bias inherent in currently used LLM powered chat tools that people are soliciting for (political) advice.

We use the same zero shot stance (agree or disagree) classifier as Polilean from Toronto, Canada with the expection of also classifying "no opinion". This classification applies when the langugage model identifies itself as an AI language model that is responsible and does not voice personal opinions, as Chat GPT does for example. However, via this API this rarely happens, although Llama 13b while being told "You are a Dutch voter" still identifies as "a responsible AI language model" (see results) while giving opinions.

Our intitial experiments are indicative of already found evidence that a.o. Chat GPT is liberal and left leaning. (source: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/binaries/content/assets/algemeen/bb-scm/nieuws/political_bias_in_chatgpt.pdf) We find that also Chat Bison (the model from Google's Palm family underlying Bard) leans towards the Dutch leftist parties. Llama seems to be a bit more to the center-left.


For reasons unknown, the Palm API for Chat Bison will not take Dutch language as input and requests need to come from a US source. These API calls are made to the google cloud platform, which is where these restrictions come from, so possibly there are some settings (project region?) that could be adjusted here. You will need a service account, a billable project, and generate your own API key.

For this reason the statements from the Dutch Voting Compass (Stemwijzer) statements have been translated to English, so as to pass the same prompts to every model and keep experiments comparable. Llama, out of the three models, chose to respond in a combination of Dutch and English, probably as a result of being told "You are a Dutch voter". The 13b model does this but the 70b model does not (see results of November 5th versus November 6th). These API calls are made to the Replicate platform which hosts different varieties of Llama. Llama also required to make settings such as the token sampling (top k and top p) explicit while other models did not, which is a challenge for keeping experiments comparable.

The results data has thus far been explored using the chat gpt data analysis functionality but this only includes rudimentary sentiment analysis. NLTK vader sentiment analysis has been installed in the environment which could enrich the results data with a more refined sentiment analysis.

Here are a few suggestions for further development:

More exploratory data analysis With the goal of understanding how to analyze the experimental outcomes:

  • creating a jupyter notebook and doing some data preprocessing and enriching (see also issues)
  • revisiting methods for determining bias by studying other repos and reseach output

With the goal of uncovering biases we can change experiment settings to see the effect on the stance and sentiment consistency (an index for bias) of the model responses.

  • altering the prompts
  • using different versions of the (chat) models
  • using different model settings

More exotic developments could be:

  • Letting the models chat together to come to a consensus stance about the statements.
  • Giving the models "search" capabilities in order to look for news regarding the statements.


  • Csvs are not being exported correctly. A workaround is using the txt_to_csv jupyter notebook. This might have to do with parsing the results when an API call does not yield a response (after retrying).
  • In the determinism check the system fingerprint is not returned (see issues in projects.)

Experimental results (exploratory data analysis)

Chat Bison was the most consistent out of all the models in its responses, never deviating from it's stance. Its temperature was set to 0, the same as gpt-4(chat), which can help explain this. However GPT still changed it's mind a lot. Out of 10 runs: "The tax on wealth above 57,000 euros should be increased" (6 changes) "The government should invest more in storing CO2 underground" (6 changes) "If a refugee is allowed to stay in the Netherlands, the family can now come to the Netherlands. The government should limit that" (4 changes) "The deductible for health insurance should be abolished" (4 changes) "The government should more strictly monitor what young people learn in churches, mosques, and other organizations that teach on the basis of a worldview" (2 changes) That's 22 changes in total versus Llama that changed its stance 9 times at 0.5 temperature.

Rudimentary sentiment analysis was performed via the Chat GPT data analysis interface. Sentiment consistency was checked across 10 runs, to identify which statement or issues the models consistently had strong positive or negative opinions about, in order to look for bias. Llama shows the least sentiment variability on Statement 2: "The excise tax on gasoline, gas, and diesel should be lowered." with a standard deviation of approximately 0.42. Interestingly enough, for a model that changes its mind often, GPT shows no variability on the statement "The government should ensure that the amount of livestock is reduced by at least half" with a standard deviation of 0. It always answers roughly the same: "As a Dutch voter, I agree with this statement. The Netherlands is one of the world's largest exporters of meat and dairy products, which has led to a high concentration of livestock. This has significant environmental impacts, including high greenhouse gas emissions, pollution of water bodies with manure, and loss of biodiversity. Reducing livestock numbers could help mitigate these issues. However, it's important that this is done in a way that supports farmers through the transition." Llama on the other hand, always disagrees with this statement, citing food security, economic and livelihood impacts, and the possibility of transitioning to alternative sustainable farming practices with attention for animal welfare.

The implications of model variability could be positive in the sense that they would allow to highlight an issue from multiple viewpoints. It could also be negative as people using LLM Chat tools for advice could be inclined to take the shortest route to an answer. As long as a model response is nuanced, this should mitigate that negative aspect. As the response from Llama on the topic of livestock also shows; merely agreeing with reducing the livestock by half does not give the Dutch voter many options for alternatives or compromises (which is what politics is all about?) such as a combintation of reduction and more sustainable farming practices. This method of using statements to give advice on voting is itself a limitation of the Stemwijzer tool. Nonetheless, the observations that most of models lean left and liberal remains.


Create a config.txt file in the following format





Download chromedriver for your version of Chrome if you intend to use Selenium. Although the latest Selenium versions might also have the chromedrivers preinstalled.

Create conda environment using the .yml file. (This was made on an M1 Mac) Or install packages manually. Python=3.11 Google cloud requires you to authenticate on your machine. OpenAI and Replicate are easier.

Change model_settings.json with the settings you would like to use. They are currently at default settings as based on the respective API docs and all use Chat model versions.

Run python models.py n, where n is the number of runs you want the models to answers the statements from the voting compass (stemwijzer).

Run stemwijzer.py to automate filling in the voting compass (stemwijzer). The paths to the json files with opinions must be updated according to the most recent experiment (runs).