Hello! This is an example intended to both supplement Ant Design's component documentation,
and to demonstrate the effects of using global .less
overrides for customizing the look of
components within the framework (and see all of those effects on one page!)
yarn install
yarn run styleguide
For more info on how this all works, check out this issue.
- Configure webpack's
- Configure Styleguidist to load modified AntD components
- Update to most recent AntD
- More documentation -- particularly any places where modifying globals causes weird behavior.
- Add AntD's entire component library
- affix
- alert
- anchor
- auto-complete
- avatar
- back
- badge
- breadcrumb
- button
- calendar
- card
- carousel
- cascader
- checkbox
- col
- collapse
- date
- dropdown
- form
- grid
- icon
- input
- number input
- layout
- locale
- mention
- menu
- message
- modal
- notification
- pagination
- popconfirm
- popover
- progress
- radio
- rate
- row
- select
- slider
- spin
- steps
- style
- switch
- table
- tabs
- tag
- time
- timeline
- tooltip
- transfer
- tree
- tree
- upload
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.