
I can never remember all the flexbox variations. So I built this thing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I can never remember how to best orient flexbox to do what I want. I have notes trapped inside note-taking apps, text files, or whatever, and always hitting those. What if, magically, the intertūbes allowed me to publish information so it could be reused by me, and even others?!?1111!!!

So I did this thing. Here it is. This is primarily my own note repository, but if you find it useful, please drop me a note, star it, leave a fake issue, even. Just so I know you're there, and my code doesn't get lonely.

Running examples in Storybook: https://newtmitch.github.io/react-flexbox-examples/

Code for the stories: https://github.com/newtmitch/react-flexbox-examples/tree/master/src/stories

Oh, and I bootstrapped these examples with Create React App. Because it's awesome.