Newton Docs

This is a pre-configured Docusaurus starter template for i18n docs & posts using Docusaurus v2.0.0-beta.18, Typescript, Sass, Local Search etc.

A live demo build directly from this repository is deployed on which means you can start a docs site exactly like the demo out of the box.


  • Out of the box pre-configed Docusaurus Site for docs, pages and blogs.

  • i18n pre-configed.

  • Local search using docusaurus-search-local.

  • Sass integration.

  • etc.


This Template Is Currently Working In Progress

do not fork this repo unless you are going to contribute, this WIP is under a lot of force pushes

just clone or Use This Template

Quick start a local site

Multi-languages & local search are not available for dev server, so just start a build server using:

yarn build
npm run serve

Start Config Your Site

Visit your started local site http://localhost:3000 or online version to view the full documentation.