
NewChain testnet token faucet

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a server program that can get free money for the address of the NewChain blockchain.

  • Call faucet to get free money
  • Call balance to check your money


Download from releases

Binary archives are published at https://release.cloud.diynova.com/newton/NewChainFaucet/.

Building the source

To get from gitlab via go get, this will get source and executable program.


install command

git clone https://github.com/newtonproject/newchain-faucet && cd newchain-faucet && make install

run NewChainFaucet


Linux or Mac


git clone https://github.com/newtonproject/newchain-faucet && cd newchain-faucet && make install

run NewChainFaucet




Use command NewChainFaucet help to display the usage.

  NewChainFaucet [flags]
  NewChainFaucet [command]

Available Commands:
  account     Manage NewChain accounts
  help        Help about any command
  init        Initialize config file
  start       start NewChainFaucet server
  version     Get version of NewChainFaucet CLI

  -c, --config path            The path to config file (default "./config.toml")
  -h, --help                   help for NewChainFaucet
  -i, --rpcURL url             Geth json rpc or ipc url (default "https://rpc1.newchain.newtonproject.org")
  -w, --walletPath directory   Wallet storage directory (default "./wallet/")

Use "NewChainFaucet [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Use config.toml

You can use a configuration file to simplify the command line parameters.

One available configuration file config.toml is as follows:

rpcurl = ""
walletpath = "./wallet/"

  amount = "16888"
  from = "0x83B4aB41173385A265788b835d8Ee5d3b84081D4"
  port = 8888
  unit = "NEW"
  password = "newton"

Initialize config file

# Initialize config file
newchain-faucet init

Just press Enter to use the default configuration, and it's best to create a new user.

$ NewChainFaucet init
Initialize config file
Enter file in which to save (./config.toml):
Enter the wallet storage directory (./wallet/):
Enter geth json rpc or ipc url (https://rpc1.newchain.newtonproject.org):
Create a new account or not: [Y/n]
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your configuration has been saved in  ./config.toml

Create account

# Create an account
newchain-faucet account new

# Create 10 accounts
newchain-faucet account new -n 10

List all accounts

# list all accounts of the walletPath
newchain-faucet account list

Start faucet server

Make sure the default wallet address has a large balance before starting the server

# Start faucet server with rpc url
newchain-faucet start

Get balance

# Use curl command
curl http://localhost:8888/balance?address=0xDB2C9C06E186D58EFe19f213b3d5FaF8B8c99481

Get faucet

# Use curl command
curl http://localhost:8888/faucet?address=0xDB2C9C06E186D58EFe19f213b3d5FaF8B8c99481