- 1
change badge background color
#17 opened by ahmed-shehataa - 2
Badge background image not visible
#18 opened by ahmed-shehataa - 3
To change the Drawable icon
#16 opened by omkarghurye1998 - 1
how change typeface ?
#15 opened by mrsalar1995 - 4
How to make background smaller?
#7 opened by fauzynurn - 1
it is possible to use it on toolbar ?
#14 opened by PaolinoAngeletti - 1
change background colde
#13 opened by MustafaAndroid - 5
- 4
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: [Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty;
#6 opened by MakamuEvans - 1
Badge for Bottomnavigationview
#11 opened by nisd93 - 1
is it possible to show outside Main icon
#10 opened by Hamza-Rahman - 3
- 1
nbBackground doesn't change its size
#8 opened by fauzynurn - 4
Animation bug in RecyclerView
#4 opened by NewITCorp - 1
#3 opened by Gaetano-Dati - 2
setText() is ignoring MaxTextLength
#2 opened by ForestTree - 3
"animationDuration" styleable conflict
#1 opened by volvciklum