Scancode-toolkit Reference Scans

This repository houses reference scans for scancode-toolkit, and also documentation with diffs of scan output between different versions of scancode-toolkit.

The documentation is hosted at

Updating after new Scancode Release

After a new scancode-toolkit release, to generate reference scans and output version diffs documentation, the steps are:

  1. Run scancode for the latest and previous versions for the same sample scan data.
  2. Document Output Version diffs.

This is automated by the script at:


Using this script the steps to generate scans and document output versions diffs are as follows.

Run Script

Give script permission to execute:

chmod u+x ./etc/shell-scripts/

Run the script:

VERSION_OLD="21.8.4" VERSION_NEW="30.1.0" ./etc/shell-scripts/

Here VERSION_OLD and VERSION_NEW should be replaced by the last and latest version numbers for scancode-toolkit for which the reference scans and output versions differences has to be documented.

Describe Output Format Changes

For the .rst file present in scancode-toolkit-reference-scans/docs/source/outputs/latest/ folder, (For example: clipeu-v30.1.0-v21.8.4-1a0bd63.rst) the relevant sections has to be updated. The section Changes in Output Data has to be updated with:

  • additions
  • deletions
  • modifications

For each of the following sections:

  • Headers
  • Files:Licenses
  • Files:Packages
  • Other Codebase/Resource Level Attribute Changes

Commit and Push changes

Now the changes made have to be commited and pushed to GitHub. The ReadTheDocs page build is triggured automatically and the new docs will be hosted.