
A simple and performant way to create, consume and manipulate contexts from react context API.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Many times when using the React Context API we create unnecessary repetitive and extensive code.

And, React Context and useContext is often used to avoid prop drilling, however it's known that there's a performance issue. When a context value is changed, all components that useContext will re-render.

To solve this issue, useContextSelector is proposed and later proposed Speculative Mode with context selector support. This library provides an easy way to build and use the Context API with these issues fixed.

This package is constructed above the use-context-selector.


This package requires some peer dependencies, which you need to install by yourself.

yarn add @nexpy/react-easy-context-api scheduler

Notes for library authors:

Please do not forget to keep "peerDependencies" and note instructions to let users to install peer dependencies.

Technical memo

To make it work like original React context, it uses useReducer cheat mode intentionally. It also requires useContextUpdate to behave better in Concurrent Mode. (You don't need to use it in Legacy Mode.)


// cats-context.tsx
import { useState, FC } from 'react'

import { createContext } from '@nexpy/react-easy-context-api'

type MyContext = {
  pettedCats: number
  currentCats: number

const CatsContext = createContext<MyContext>({
  pettedCats: 0,
  currentCats: 0,

const CatsProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
  const [pettedCats, setPettedCats] = useState(0)
  const [currentCats, setCurrentCats] = useState(0)

  // ... your context logic :)

  return (

export { CatsContext, CatsProvider }

// ... in your components
const CatsPetted = () => {
  const catsPettedNumber = CatsContext.useSelector(state => state.pettedCats)

  return <p>Petted cats: {catsPettedNumber}</p>

const CurrentCats = () => {
  const currentCatsNumber = CatsContext.useSelector(state => state.currentCats)

  return <p>Current cats: {currentCatsNumber}</p>

const App = () => (
    <CatsPetted />
    <CurrentCats />



This creates a special context.


  • defaultValue: Value


import { createContext } from '@nexpy/react-easy-context-api'

type PersonContext = {
  firstName: string
  familyName: string

const PersonContext = createContext<PersonContext>({ firstName: '', familyName: '' })

createContext Returns:


This hook returns context selected value by selector.

It will trigger re-render if only the selected value is referentially changed.

The selector should return referentially equal result for same input for better performance.

  • selector: function (value: Value): Selected
const MyComponent = () => {
  const firstName = PersonContext.useSelector(state => state.firstName)

  return <p>{firstName}</p>


This hook returns the entire context value. Use this instead of React.useContext for consistent behavior.

const MyComponent = () => {
  const person = PersonContext.useContext()
  // ...


This hook returns an update function that accepts a thunk function.

Use this for a function that will change a value in Concurrent Mode. Otherwise, there's no need to use this hook.

const MyComponent = () => {
    const update = PersonContext.useContextUpdate()

    update(() => setState(...));
    // ...


The provider you need to use to apply the context.

Exotic Returns:

You probably won't need the following features. Use only if you know what you are doing.


The special context created by createContext hook. This context should not be consumed by the ro react useContext API, but by useSpecialContext bellow.


This Hook is used to manually consume the same special context Context created by createContext function. This is not necessary as there is a level of abstraction on top of that and this hook should only be used with contexts created by the library. This utility is only available so there are no limitations on the use of this library.


This hook return a value for BridgeProvider.


This is a Provider component for bridging multiple react roots.

  • $0 Object
    • $0.context
    • $0.value
    • $0.children
import { createContext } from '@nexpy/react-easy-context-api'

type PersonContext = {
  firstName: string
  familyName: string

const { Context, useBridgeValue, BridgeProvider } = createContext<PersonContext>({
  firstName: '',
  familyName: '',

const App = () => {
  const valueToBridge = useBridgeValue()

  return (
      <BridgeProvider context={Context} value={valueToBridge}>


  • In order to stop propagation, children of a context provider has to be either created outside of the provider or memoized with React.memo.
  • Provider trigger re-renders only if the context value is referentially changed.
  • Neither context consumers or class components are supported.
  • The stale props issue can't be solved in userland.
  • Tearing is only avoided if all consumers get data using useSelector. If you use both props and selector to pass the same data, they may provide inconsistence data for a brief moment.


See this example file.