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Real time group messaging app
✨ Features
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- Pending
🚀 Quick start
Start developing locally.
Step 1: Clone the repo
Fork the repository. then clone the repo locally by doing -
git clone
Step 2: Install Dependencies
cd into the directory
cd convoychat
In the root folder do npm install.
npm install
# also in client
cd client & npm install
Step 3: Setup .env
To run the server you will also need to provide the .env
- create a new file .env in the root
- open .env.EXAMPLE
- copy the contents and paste it to the .env with valid keys
And you are good to go
npm run develop
✌️ Contributing
After cloning & setting up the local project you can push the changes to your github fork and make a pull request.
You can also run the tests locally to see if everything works fine with
Running tests
npm run test
npm run cy:open
Pushing the changes
git add .
git commit -m "feat: added new stuff"
git push YOUR_REPO_URL develop
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