
Template for Solutions Engineer candidates to use for creating their exercise submissions


Template for Solutions Engineer candidates to use for creating their exercise submissions


Develop a demonstration that allows a user to search for a given Point Of Interest near his position and get walking and/or driving directions to it. Intentionally the Use-Case is very generic. No further details will be provided on the Use-Case, to avoid biassing the candidate creativity.


  • The demonstration should have a visual front end (UI), similar to what NextBillion.ai Solution Engineers would use during customer meetings to demonstrate the technology stack.
  • The demonstration should exercise the NextBillion.ai API Documentation at https://doc.maps.nextbillion.io/api_reference/ API key will be provided to the candidate if the project is accepted.
  • The demonstration should be committed in the Github repository provided.
  • The candidate should be ready to present his work as one of the objectives of this exercise is to assess how comfortable the candidate is presenting to a small audience.

No Requirements

  • No requirements on the technology of choice (programming language, framework, etc) for implementing the demonstration.
  • No requirements on the type of application (desktop or mobile).
  • No requirements on time spent to build the demonstration. We do not expect the candidate to spend too much time developing the demo. As such the demonstration does not have to be complete, as long as the key building blocks are in place and can be used to guide the discussion during review.
  • Not a requirement but the https://maplibre.org/ SDKs can be used in combination with NextBillion.ai API, especially for tiles rendering and objects overlay (markers, GeoJSON polylines, polygons, etc).

Guidelines & Deliverables

  • The demonstration should be committed in the Github repository provided. Please create and commit a branch for your work.
  • Describe your solution in a README and how to run it. Ensure that you clearly state assumptions that you made.
  • Please commit early and often and with good commit messages. This will allow us to see how you've approached the problem. Don't worry about changing things around often.
  • Be prepared to discuss some of your approaches and design decisions.
  • Please ask any questions if something is unclear.