
MongoDB dockerized backup agent. Runs schedule backups with retention, S3 & SFTP upload, notifications, instrumentation with Prometheus and more.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Docker Image

MGOB is a MongoDB backup automation tool built with golang.


  • schedule backups
  • local backups retention
  • upload to S3 Object Storage (Minio, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)
  • upload to gcloud storage
  • upload to SFTP
  • notifications (Email, Slack)
  • instrumentation with Prometheus
  • http file server for local backups and logs
  • distributed as an Alpine Docker image


MGOB is available on Docker Hub at stefanprodan/mgob.

Supported tags:

  • stefanprodan/mgob:latest latest stable release
  • stefanprodan/mgob:edge master branch latest successful build

Compatibility matrix:

stefanprodan/mgob:0.9 3.4
stefanprodan/mgob:0.10 3.6
stefanprodan/mgob:edge 4.0


docker run -dp 8090:8090 --name mgob \
    -v "/mgob/config:/config" \
    -v "/mgob/storage:/storage" \
    -v "/mgob/tmp:/tmp" \
    -v "/mgob/data:/data" \
    stefanprodan/mgob \


A step by step guide on running MGOB as a StatefulSet with PersistentVolumeClaims can be found here.


Define a backup plan (yaml format) for each database you want to backup inside the config dir. The yaml file name is being used as the backup plan ID, no white spaces or special characters are allowed.

Backup plan

  # run every day at 6:00 and 18:00 UTC
  cron: "0 6,18 */1 * *"
  # number of backups to keep locally
  retention: 14
  # backup operation timeout in minutes
  timeout: 60
  # mongod IP or host name
  host: ""
  # mongodb port
  port: 27017
  # mongodb database name, leave blank to backup all databases
  database: "test"
  # leave blank if auth is not enabled
  username: "admin"
  password: "secret"
  # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
  params: "--ssl --authenticationDatabase admin"
# S3 upload (optional)
  url: "https://play.minio.io:9000"
  bucket: "backup"
  accessKey: "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F"
  secretKey: "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG"
  # For Minio and AWS use S3v4 for GCP use S3v2
  api: "S3v4"
# GCloud upload (optional)
  bucket: "backup"
  keyFilePath: /path/to/service-account.json
# Azure blob storage upload (optional)
  containerName: "backup"
  connectionString: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=...;AccountKey=...;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"
# SFTP upload (optional)
  host: sftp.company.com
  port: 2022
  username: user
  password: secret
  # dir must exist on the SFTP server
  dir: backup
# Email notifications (optional)
  server: smtp.company.com
  port: 465
  username: user
  password: secret
  from: mgob@company.com
    - devops@company.com
    - alerts@company.com
# Slack notifications (optional)
  url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxx/xx
  channel: devops-alerts
  username: mgob
  # 'true' to notify only on failures
  warnOnly: false

ReplicaSet example:

  host: "mongo-0.mongo.db,mongo-1.mongo.db,mongo-2.mongo.db"
  port: 27017
  database: "test"

Sharded cluster with authentication and SSL example:

  host: "mongos-0.db,mongos-1.db"
  port: 27017
  database: "test"
  username: "admin"
  password: "secret"
  params: "--ssl --authenticationDatabase admin"


  • mgob-host:8090/storage file server
  • mgob-host:8090/status backup jobs status
  • mgob-host:8090/metrics Prometheus endpoint
  • mgob-host:8090/version mgob version and runtime info
  • mgob-host:8090/debug pprof endpoint

On demand backup:

  • HTTP POST mgob-host:8090/backup/:planID
curl -X POST http://mgob-host:8090/backup/mongo-debug
  "plan": "mongo-debug",
  "file": "mongo-debug-1494256295.gz",
  "duration": "3.635186255s",
  "size": "455 kB",
  "timestamp": "2017-05-08T15:11:35.940141701Z"

Scheduler status:

  • HTTP GET mgob-host:8090/status
  • HTTP GET mgob-host:8090/status/:planID
curl -X GET http://mgob-host:8090/status/mongo-debug
  "plan": "mongo-debug",
  "next_run": "2017-05-13T14:32:00+03:00",
  "last_run": "2017-05-13T11:31:00.000622589Z",
  "last_run_status": "200",
  "last_run_log": "Backup finished in 2.339055539s archive mongo-debug-1494675060.gz size 527 kB"


View scheduler logs with docker logs mgob:

time="2017-05-05T16:50:55+03:00" level=info msg="Next run at 2017-05-05 16:51:00 +0300 EEST" plan=mongo-dev
time="2017-05-05T16:50:55+03:00" level=info msg="Next run at 2017-05-05 16:52:00 +0300 EEST" plan=mongo-test
time="2017-05-05T16:51:00+03:00" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=mongo-dev
time="2017-05-05T16:51:02+03:00" level=info msg="Backup finished in 2.359901432s archive size 448 kB" plan=mongo-dev
time="2017-05-05T16:52:00+03:00" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=mongo-test
time="2017-05-05T16:52:02+03:00" level=info msg="S3 upload finished `/storage/mongo-test/mongo-test-1493992320.gz` -> `bktest/mongo-test-1493992320.gz` Total: 1.17 KB, Transferred: 1.17 KB, Speed: 2.96 KB/s " plan=mongo-test
time="2017-05-05T16:52:02+03:00" level=info msg="Backup finished in 2.855078717s archive size 1.2 kB" plan=mongo-test

The success/fail logs will be sent via SMTP and/or Slack if notifications are enabled.

The mongodump log is stored along with the backup data (gzip archive) in the storage dir:

aleph-mbp:test aleph$ ls -lh storage/mongo-dev
total 4160
-rw-r--r--  1 aleph  staff   410K May  3 17:46 mongo-dev-1493822760.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 aleph  staff   1.9K May  3 17:46 mongo-dev-1493822760.log
-rw-r--r--  1 aleph  staff   410K May  3 17:47 mongo-dev-1493822820.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 aleph  staff   1.5K May  3 17:47 mongo-dev-1493822820.log


Successful backups counter

mgob_scheduler_backup_total{plan="mongo-dev",status="200"} 8

Successful backups duration

mgob_scheduler_backup_latency{plan="mongo-dev",status="200",quantile="0.5"} 2.149668417
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency{plan="mongo-dev",status="200",quantile="0.9"} 2.39848413
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency{plan="mongo-dev",status="200",quantile="0.99"} 2.39848413
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency_sum{plan="mongo-dev",status="200"} 17.580484907
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency_count{plan="mongo-dev",status="200"} 8

Failed jobs count and duration (status 500)

mgob_scheduler_backup_latency{plan="mongo-test",status="500",quantile="0.5"} 2.4180213
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency{plan="mongo-test",status="500",quantile="0.9"} 2.438254775
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency{plan="mongo-test",status="500",quantile="0.99"} 2.438254775
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency_sum{plan="mongo-test",status="500"} 9.679809477
mgob_scheduler_backup_latency_count{plan="mongo-test",status="500"} 4


In order to restore from a local backup you have two options:

Browse mgob-host:8090/storage to identify the backup you want to restore. Login to your MongoDB server and download the archive using curl and restore the backup with mongorestore command line.

curl -o /tmp/mongo-test-1494056760.gz http://mgob-host:8090/storage/mongo-test/mongo-test-1494056760.gz
mongorestore --gzip --archive=/tmp/mongo-test-1494056760.gz --drop

You can also restore a backup from within mgob container. Exec into mgob, identify the backup you want to restore and use mongorestore to connect to your MongoDB server.

docker exec -it mgob sh
ls /storage/mongo-test
mongorestore --gzip --archive=/storage/mongo-test/mongo-test-1494056760.gz --host mongohost:27017 --drop