Data from Memorial ( in machine readable form:
- victims of terror of 1930s in Moscow
- lists of 2614978 victims across Russia
- geodata for objects of terror
Scraped from source:
Main datafile is: data/, includes addresses.
Includes downloading and parsing script.
Portion of these data (Lubyanka area) was geocoded and put on the map here:
License: code - GNU GPL v2 or any later version, data - unknown, possibly CC-BY
Related links:
- Lubyanka Web-GIS sources:
- First try at geocoding in 2001 (not good, but first) - Rivers of blood in Moscow:The Great Purge personified, data:
Data extracted from the MySQL database distributed on "Жертвы политического террора в СССР" disk. CSVs are here:
Added SQL queries for create and fill tables.
Date fields convert rule:
day = db_field & 31; // may be empty
month = (db_field >> 5) & 15; // may be empty
year =( (db_field >> 9) & 255) + 1800;
REABDATE_STR = case when REABDATE > 0 then
if(REABDATE & 31 > 0, concat(lpad( REABDATE & 31,2,'0'),'.'),''),
if((REABDATE >> 5) & 15 > 0, concat(lpad( (REABDATE >> 5) & 15,2,'0'),'.'),''),
if((REABDATE >> 9) & 255 > 0, ((REABDATE >> 9) & 255) + 1800,'')
else null end
Main datafiles are: data/, no addresses
License: unknown, possibly CC-BY
Related links:
- Installing database
- Converting database
- Another project on extracting full lists throughout Russia by web-scrapping (but no address information):
Geodata used on the 'Topography of terror' map: License: ODbL (OpenStreetMap is a source for building outlines).
Related links: