
Authentication for application.garden

Primary LanguageClojureISC LicenseISC


Provides helpers to work with the application.garden OpenID Connect provider. Wrap your Ring app using (garden-id/wrap-auth <app>), and ensure you also use ring.middleware.session/wrap-session.

Redirecting to "/login" will send the user to a login page; upon successful login it redirects to "/" and user data is stored in the session.

The url "/callback" is used internally and intercepted before your app, do not use it.

Additional restrictions

Pass a map as second argument to garden-id/wrap-auth. Currently supported keys are:

{:github [["organization"]... ["organization" "team"]...]}: restrict access to members of an organization or a team thereof. You need a valid Github API token in the environment variable GITHUB_API_TOKEN that is scoped to read the organization members. (Use a Garden secret to set this!)

{:apple []}: restrict access to users with Apple ID.