3D Hubs QA challenge


Initial call describing challenge on 22/10/2019 ~ 3PM

Proposed by email on 23/10/2019 ~ 11AM

Submission on 25/10/2019 ~ 9AM

No previous knowledge of Python


  • Get Python 3.*

  • Get pipenv

    • pip install pipenv
  • cd to the root of the project and run

  • pipenv install

  • Run (all) the tests

    • pipenv run tests
  • Run BDD style tests:

    • pipenv run testsbdd

Things to not miss about my application:

  • Stack: pytest, pytest-bdd, selenium 4

  • 4 tests total: 2 tests with pytest and 2 Scenarios with pytest-bdd🥒

    • Can proceed to checkout after uploading a 3D model file
    • Can proceed to checkout by using the sample
  • Using Page Object model throughout

  • Pipfile scripts

  • Gherkin Scenarios run from Home Page and on any viewport/device

  • Implemented HTML report for the test runs

    • You should have a report.html in the root directory after running the tests
    • In the fat chance the tests fail a screenshot will be saved to the assets folder and attached to the report
  • Found out where you keep your precious sample 3D model file you use for the sample demonstration and I used for the tests 😎

  • Found some cool issues

Lessons learned

Read headaches.

On Python:

  • Test definitions HAVE to start with 'test' 🙄

  • The test setup file HAS to be named conftest.py 🙄

  • Every folder/module NEEDS to be have a init.py in there for module resolution 🙄

    • The stable Python Selenium libraries are outdated as heck 🙄

    • they are non-W3C compliant, had to use an alpha version of the package

  • The Python Selenium bindings REALLY wants the chromedriver/geckodriver file in the Windows' PATH to have the .exe extension

    • could not use my already installed nodeJS drivers 😢🙄
  • ...and many more to count/remember

Things I could improve, given more time:

  • Folder structure, file organization
  • Parameterizing the BDD Scenarios for stuff like email