
data download for "all-time" Europe is empty

eltrompetero opened this issue · 9 comments

Current Behavior
I tried downloading the phylo tree data but am getting an empty file. I get a file with data if I select a different time period, 6m or 2m.

Expected behavior
I tried downloading the phylo tree data but am getting an empty file. Expected behavior fulfilled with other time periods and "global" region.

How to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the current behavior:

  1. Select europe as as region.
  2. Select "all-time".
  3. Download data.

No other settings were changed. Empty file with both "time" and "divergence" trees.

Your environment: if browsing Nextstrain online

  • Operating system: Mac OS
  • Browser: Safari


I'm afraid wasn't able to replicate this on open or gisaid on Windows 10, Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. It might be a Mac or Safari-specific problem?
Someone else from Nextstrain might be on a Mac and able to test in those cases.

Just to confirm, are you trying to download the gisaid tree - and are you choosing the "Timetree (Newick)" option, or another?

Thanks so much for the rapid response.

You're right, it seems to be a browser specific issue. It didn't seem like it should be one since the download was working for other settings...but it is!

The settings were just as you said. I didn't change anything else besides the options I specified.

Hi @eltrompetero - it's good to hear that you got it working! I guess it was Safari that didn't work, but another browser did?

It would still be useful for us to look into this if we can, since it could be affecting others. In particular, as you say - it working then not working either after a specific sequence or on a specific dataset, is particularly odd.

Apologies, I didn't specify. Firefox v103 worked for me. Safari did not work.

Possibly related: when I try the same settings as before but specify all clades except for Delta and Omicron, I also receive an empty file. This happens in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.

Maybe these are both query errors? E.g. the query is very long in this particular example.

Hmm, I am able to download the Newick tree even when using Safari on MacOS 10.14.6 from

Possibly related: when I try the same settings as before but specify all clades except for Delta and Omicron, I also receive an empty file.

This is a separate known issue in Auspice that filtered data produces empty trees unless you use the workaround in the linked issue.

Also unable to reproduce. I've tried Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome. All on latest versions and on macOS 12.3.1.

I'm confirming now that the all-time Europe download, which was the start of the thread, works fine on Safari. Very strange.

I still had the same problem with selecting all clades except for Delta and Omicron returning an empty file, but using "zoom selected" solved my problem as mentioned above.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Closing this issue since we are unable to reproduce. Please let us know if you run in to any other issues!