A Next.js 14 with app directory template pre-configured with NextUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.
- 8
Update to next js 15
#24 opened by chinwobble - 0
- 1
create project failed: Found invalid GitHub URL
#25 opened by fukemy - 5
Navbar issue
#9 opened by rogueturnip - 1
Theme switch log error?
#6 opened by isaacdarcilla - 4
Error during build
#11 opened by SayanDasDev - 1
Fonts not working
#7 opened by redoxahmii - 2
update to next14
#8 opened by kevincobain2000 - 1
Cannot install redux toolkit
#16 opened by DUMBANIKET - 0
fix: duplicate import
#14 opened by DoIttikorn - 0
Fixing Error when trying to use turbo pack
#22 opened by flnx - 3
Unsupported metadata themeColor - Next.js 14.0.2
#12 opened by joelrb - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
Error Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
#1 opened by stone89son