POKER SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: - Java8 - Maven - Eclipse for checking the code HOW TO RUN THE SERVICE In a CMD console or a Gitbash console you must run one of the following command For run the service - mvn spring-boot:run This command will start the spring project in the port 8082, the context of the aplication is configured in the file, if you want to change the port of the context chage the variables related to the SERVER. For run the test - mvn test This command will run the unit test of the application HOW TO TEST THE SERVICE You must import the postman collection in postman application, and then you can start testing the service. NOTE: Remember, for start the process of the game you must call the endpoint game and execute the operation CreateDEck, CreatePlayer and CreateGame after that you must add the player and the deck to the game, and after that you can start dealing cards. THANKS