Collect, describe and refine community standards for publishing linguistic linked open data
Sub-modules point to the current development repositories of selected standards. All activities/repositories linked under "under development" are conducted with active involvement and support from Nexus or by Nexus partners.
Under development:
- ./ontolex-frac OntoLex module for frequency, attestations and corpus-based information, incl. specifications for representing embeddings in OntoLex
- ./ontolex-morph OntoLex module for morphology
- ./lexinfo LexInfo v.3, data categories for OntoLex
Under development:
- ./linguistic-annotation A Nexus-supported effort to develop a consolidated vocabulary for linguistic annotation on the web, based on a generalization over Web Annotation, the NLP Interchange Format and other vocabularies
- ./olia Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation, machine-readable formalization of annotation schemes
Under development:
- ./lexinfo LexInfo v.3, data categories for lexical resources
- ./olia Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation, data categories for linguistic annotation
Under development:
- ./metashare METASHARE ontology, see the dev branch