
Code for the for the frontend of the Bloom service.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bloom is a remote trauma support service from Chayn, a global charity supporting survivors of abuse across borders. Bloom is our flagship product; a free, web-based support service designed for anyone who has experienced or is currently experiencing domestic or sexual abuse. Through a combination of online video-based courses, anonymous interaction and 1:1 chat, Bloom aims to provide tailored information, guidance, everyday tools, and comforting words to cope with traumatic events.

If you'd like to help Bloom by tackling any of our open Github issues, please get in touch with us to express your interest in volunteering via this form. We'll get back to you to schedule an onboarding call.

Get involved

Bloom is created by Chayn, global nonprofit, run by survivors and allies from around the world, creating resources to support the healing of survivors of gender-based violence. There are lots of ways to get involved, from joining our volunteer team to donating or supporting us on social media.

Website - Chayn

Twitter - @ChaynHQ

Instagram - @chaynhq

Youtube - Chayn Team

Bloom Frontend

Bloom CI Pipeline

Currently in active development

Technologies used

  • React - JavaScript library for building component based user interfaces
  • Next.js - React framework for hybrid static & server rendering, file-system routing and more
  • Typescript - JavaScript with syntax for types
  • Redux Toolkit - Opinionated Redux package for state management
  • Firebase - User authentication and analytics
  • Material UI / MUI - React UI library for prebuilt components
  • Storyblok - Headless CMS for pages and courses content
  • Simplybook - Appointment booking system used for therapy
  • Crisp - User messaging
  • Rollbar - Error reporting
  • Heroku - Build, deploy and operate staging and production apps
  • GitHub Actions - CI pipeline

See integrations for more details

Local development


  • NodeJS v16.x
  • Yarn v1.x

Run local backend

See bloom-backend for instructions

Install dependencies


Create .env.local file

Include the following environment variables in a .env.local file




If you're a volunteer loading up the front-end, please get in touch with the team for access the environment variables.

NB: When adding a new environment variable, it may also need to be added to github secrets and the ci.yml file

Environment variables

This is a brief explanation for environment variables that need more background.

  • FF_DISABLED_COURSES: This feature flag is intended to remove courses from the users course home page. Note that this does not prevent the user from accessing the course completely - the user may still be able to access the course if they navigate to the URL.

In terms of use, the variable could be used to disable a course when it has not been translated to a particular language e.g. if the healing-from-sexual-trauma/ course is ready in English but not in French, then the course can be enabled in storyblok but still disabled in french. To do this, the the french url slug fr/courses/healing-from-sexual-trauma/ should be included in the environment variable. This means the course will be hidden in the French version of bloom but still visible to the English version of bloom.

If multiple courses need to be disabled, the slugs will need to be separated by commas.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_FF_USER_RESEARCH_BANNER: This feature flag enables a banner which displays a banner message aimed to gathering users for Bloom feedback. It is intended to be turned on temporarily, for saw 1-2 weeks at a time. It links to an external form which users can fill out if they would like to take part in research.

Run locally

Start the app in development mode (with hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.):

yarn dev

Go to http://localhost:3000

Run unit tests

yarn test:unit

To have your unit tests running in the background as you change code:

yarn test:unit:watch

Formatting and linting

yarn lint

To lint and fix:

yarn lint:fix

Formatting and linting is provided by ESLint and Prettier (see the relevant configs for details).

Workspace settings for VSCode are included for consistent linting and formatting.

Build the app for production

For testing the production build. This will be run automatically during deployments.

yarn build

Key concepts

Public Bloom

Anyone can come directly to the site and register as a public Bloom user with access to selected courses. Self guided/static courses can be completed at any time by a public user, without any extra features e.g. therapy.

Partner access and multi tenancy

Alongside public Bloom, we also have Partners (e.g. Bumble) which offer their users a Bloom PartnerAccess with additional features to public Bloom. The additional features include therapy, 1-1 chat and extra courses. A PartnerAccess is created by a PartnerAdmin and has a unique code for the user to apply when registering for an account, or afterwards on the /apply-code page. See database schemas for more details.

A user can have 0 (public) or many partners and the app dynamically handles this. Partner branding and tags are applied across the app (e.g. in the footer) and some pages are custom to the partner e.g. welcome/[partnerName].tsx.


Bloom courses include a series of sessions with steps for the user to complete, i.e. watch a video, complete an activity, optional bonus content. The sessions can be marked as complete by the user. Courses available are dependent on the user's partners and their selected courses.

Bloom therapy is available to some users dependent on their partner access, with a number of therapy sessions available to book via the integrated Simplybook booking widget. Therapy is offered in multiple languages and currently users can select their preferred language and therapist. Webhooks are triggered by zapier when a booking is created/cancelled, to update the user's available therapy sessions remaining in the database.

Bloom 1-1 chat is currently available to all users. Users can send Crisp messages to the Bloom team in relation to course content or other questions and support. The Crisp widget is embedded in session pages and users with 1-1 chat will have a profile in Crisp which reflects key data and events, sent by the bloom-backend api.

Notes from Bloom is currently available all users. Users can sign up for whatsapp messages twice a week. Message content can range from affirmational quotes, videos or snapshot of course content. Respond.io is used to hold contact information and to schedule messages. Contact information is also held in the database. As there was not the budget to use the Respond.io plan which allows for a direct integration, a Zapier workaround is used where bloom backend triggers a Zapier webhook which will then add / delete a contact from respond.io.

User types

There are several user types with different features enabled - guards are used to check and block access to pages based on the user data in state.

User - a standard user for the features mentioned above. A user can be a public user only OR have partner access(es) with extra features enabled by different partners.

Partner admin user - a partner team member who uses the app to complete Bloom admin tasks such as creating new partner access codes. Partner admin pages are under /partner-admin and act as a sub site.

Super admin user - this is a chayn user who can create partner admins. Super admins can view this dashboard via admin/dashboard.

State management - Redux Toolkit

RTK is used to store state, mostly related to the user and populated by backend api calls. The user/me endpoint populates the User, Courses, PartnerAccess and ParterAdmin state on login or app refresh, to be used across the app to manage access and features displayed. State is also updated following actions/apis calls - we use RTK Query to fetch and cache data into state, see app/api.ts. The state slices generally copy the database schemas. Note the Courses slice does not act as a cache for storing retrieved storyblok courses, instead it stores the user's courses progress, i.e. the backend CourseUser table.


Multiple languages are supported across the app. For static text, all strings are wrapped and translated using next-intl. For CMS Storyblok content, each field in a story or bloks is translatable and is returned based on the requested locale. Next.js supports i18n routing and Storyblok has an extension to support translated routes, however this is not currently used.

Integrations are chosen with internationalisation as a priority, with Crisp and Simplybook supporting multiple timezones and languages.

Storyblok CMS

Content is delivered by Storyblok, a headless CMS that allows the team to edit and preview content as it would appear in the app, before publishing changes. Some pages are fully flexible, using pages/[slug].tsx to dynamically render components. Stricter pages such as Course and Session pages, or pages with a mix of custom functionality and changing content, are handled in custom pages and components e.g. /courses/[slug].tsx.

Courses structure

The storyblok courses folder/page structure was based around url paths and the need for weeks/sessions to be nested inside a course. The pattern is Courses (folder) -> Course name (folder) -> Course overview (root page) + Session (pages). This allows us to group and order sessions under the relevant course, with the url path courses/course-name/session-name. The order of pages in Storyblok matters as it's used to order sessions within a week.

Course and Session are Storyblok content types with defined schemas that can then be processed in the custom pages, e.g. story.content.field_name. Course includes a weeks field that links/relates to the sessions in each week of the course. Session includes a Course field that links/relates back to the course - it's not ideal to include this field but it makes it easy to load the course data with the session directly. The middle weeks relationship between Courses and Sessions added some complexity that discouraged Storyblok's recommended patterns, e.g. having Courses and Sessions as top level folders, rather than nesting folders that contain several content types.

The image based abuse course has its own specific course and session page as this course required a different structure with multiple bonus content blocks.

Dynamic components

Storyblok components allow the team to add richtext, images, videos, page sections, rows etc, using our custom schemas that include fields for styles e.g. the alignment or color of the content. These Storyblok components are then then mapped to our React components, e.g. StoryblokRow.tsx StoryblokImage.tsx, either in a custom page where we expect the field/component, or a dynamic page.

Dynamic pages

Dynamic pages allow the team to create new content pages in Storyblok e.g. /about-topic, without requiring developer work*. Our top level dynamic route [slug].tsx allows new pages to be added, with an infinite number of StoryblokPageSection.tsx with nested components. DynamicComponent.tsx can also be used to dynamically render components on a page, where the storyblok field is of type blocks and we don't know which blocks to expect. *Note: If a page is to be public/unauthenticated, it must be added to publicPaths in _app.tsx.


See CYPRESS.md for set up instructions for cypress

Running the https proxy You need to run a https proxy for the storyblok preview.

// Install mkcert for creating a valid certificate (Mac OS):

          $ brew install mkcert
          $ mkcert -install
          $ mkcert localhost

// Then install and run the proxy

          $ npm install -g local-ssl-proxy
          $ local-ssl-proxy --source 3010 --target 3000 --cert localhost.pem --key localhost-key.pem

// https is now running on port 3010 and forwarding requests to http 3000

Git flow and deployment

Create new branches from the develop base branch. There is no need to run the build command before pushing changes to GitHub, simply push and create a pull request for the new branch. GitHub Actions will run build and linting tasks automatically. Squash and merge feature/bug branches into develop.

When changes are ready to be deployed to staging, in Github create a PR to merge develop into staging. This should be a merge (not squashed). The merge will trigger an automatic deployment to the staging app by Heroku.

When changes have been tested in staging, merge staging into main, following the same steps as above. This will trigger an automatic deployment to the production app by Heroku.

New environment variables must be added to Heroku before release.


Bloom and all of Chayn's projects are open source. The core tech stack included here is open source however some external integrations used in the project require subscriptions.