
Starter Drupal installation profile that you can extend to build your Drupal sites

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Forked from GuGuss/drupal-starter-profile

How to use ?

The STARTER_PROFILE is a starter Drupal 7 installation profile that you can extend to build your Drupal sites.


Here is what you need to use the STARTER_PROFILE:

  • System requirements for installing Drupal
  • Git
  • Drush (Drush make is included in Drush 5.x, but not included in older versions. If you happen to have an older Drush installed, it's strongly recommended to update it.) (.yml make files require drush 7.x and abouve)

Getting Started

1. Download it

Download the archive or clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/nexusstar/drupal-starter-profile.git

2. Rename it

Rename the folder and files to "yourprofilename":

* yourprofilename.info
* yourprofilename.make
* yourprofilename.profile

Open those files and rename every instance of STARTER_PROFILE to "yourprofilename".

3. Customize it

It's your turn to customize the profile based on what you need. Here are the possible things you might want to do:

Adding new modules

To add a contributed project (module, theme, library...), simply add it on your yourprofilename.make:

projects[token][version] = "1.5"
projects[token][subdir] = "contrib"
projects[token][type] = "module"

To add a custom module or theme, simply place it under yourprofilename/modules/custom or yourprofilename/themes/custom, and add it on your yourprofilename.info:

dependencies[] = your_custom_module

Changing versions

To change the version of a project, simply edit your yourprofilename.make and enter the version you want for a specific project. To change Drupal Core version, edit drupal-core.make.

Applying patches

To apply a patch to a module (ie: Views), simply add the following line on your yourprofilename.make:

projects[views][patch][] = "http://drupal.org/files/views-entity_label-1651726-26.patch"

What else ?

Most of the things you'll want to do are within the yourprofilename.profile (create content types, blocks, user permissions...)

4. Build it

Let's use Drush to build your profile:

$ cd yourprofilename
$ drush make --no-core --contrib-destination yourprofilename.make .

This should download the contributed projects (modules, themes...) within your profile:

* yourprofilename.info
* yourprofilename.make
* yourprofilename.profile
* [modules]
  * [contrib]
    * [admin_menu]
    * ...

Let's use Drush to build Drupal core:

$ cd ..
$ drush make yourprofile/project-core.make www

This should download Drupal Core within the www folder:

* yourprofilename.info
* ...
* install.php
* ...

5. Link it

Link your profile to the Drupal profiles folder, using a symbolinc link:

$ cd www/profiles
$ ln -s ../../yourprofilename yourprofilename

You should end up with:

* [profiles]
  * [yourprofilename]

6. Install it

You can install your profile through the UI as a basic installation profile, or via Drush:

$ cd www
$ drush si yourprofilename --db-url=mysql://sqluser:password@localhost/database_name --account-pass=admin -y

Congratulations \o/