
regex obfuscator

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

yugen is a regex obfuscator.

here's how it works:

  • parse regex string into an AST
  • obfuscate specific patterns into more complex equivalent patterns
  • convert the modified AST back to a string


  • build parser
  • obfuscate single character (a[\u{61}])
  • obfuscate character class ([abc](?:[a]|[b]|[c]))
  • obfuscate dot (.[^\n] (or [\s\S] if dot-all))
  • obfuscate quantifiers
    • * -> {0,}
    • -{1,}
    • ?{0,1}
  • obfuscate groups ((abc) -> ?:[\u{61}][\u{62}][\u{63}]))
  • obfuscate backreferences (\1(?:\1))
  • obfuscate lookarounds ((?=a)(?=(?:[\u{61}])))