
Simple repository of links to tools for plant breeding and genetics


Simple repository of links to tools for plant breeding and genetics, with some annotation. This is for information purposes only.


A section on mixed-models. See my other repository on examples of mixed-model applications for plant breeding experiments.

R packages

  • CRAN task view for mixed-models
  • lme4
    • Can be forced to fit compound symmetry, unstructured, and diagonal covariance structures
  • glmmTMB
    • Allows for some cool covariance structures, including Toeplitz, AR1, spatial exponential; see here
  • blme
    • Extends lme4 and allows for prior distributions; it also allows for the residual variance to be fixed (useful for two-stage analysis)
  • rrBLUP
    • Very nice for a single random effect; the go-to for genomewide selection
  • sommer
    • Great for mixed models with multiple random effects and with kinship
  • lme4GS
    • lme4 language with flexibility for kinship; in theory the more complex covariance structures of lme4 (us, cs, diag) could be deployed
  • asreml
    • The gold standard for quickly fitting models with complex covariance sturctures, but you need a license
  • mmrm
    • Mixed-models for repeated measures; allows for time-dependent covariance structures like AR1, ante, toep, and exp


QTL mapping / GWAS

R packages

  • The Biometris group has several useful R packages:
    • statgenGWAS
      • single-trait GWAS
    • statgenQTLxT
      • multi-trait, multi-environment GWAS
    • statgenIBD
      • Calculate identity-by-decent probabilities in two-, three-, and four-way crosses



R packages

  • statgenGxE
    • Mega-environment analysis, stability, FW-regression, AMMI and GGE, etc. all the fun stuff
  • statgenSTA
    • Mixed-model analysis of field trials with or without spatial trends

