
Fitness Tracker using a Mongo database with a Mongoose schema and handle routes with Express.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fitness Tracker

Fitness Tracker using a Mongo database with a Mongoose schema and handle routes with Express.

Check out the deployed site here

Table of Contents

User Story

Working out for so many people is a great way to release stress and better themselves. This application will allow users to keep track of their workouts and chart their progress. They can track cardio workouts and/or resistance training.

AS an individual, I enjoy spending workout and improving my fitness.
I WANT to be ablet to track my progress and see previous workouts.
SO I can continue improving my fitness with each session.


To use this locally, first clone the repo in your terminal using the command below:

$ git clone https://github.com/neylonmc/FitnessTracker-.git

Once the repo is cloned, run the following command:

$ npm i

To run the server, run the following command in your terminal:

$ npm start

Links and Screenshots

Repo: https://github.com/neylonmc/FitnessTracker-.git

Deployed App: https://secret-mesa-83729.herokuapp.com/


Creating workout


Created by


License: MIT