The OpenAPI specification for the Neynar APIs

MIT LicenseMIT


Validate and Lint OpenAPI Specs


The OpenAPI specification for the Neynar APIs. Sign up for an API key on neynar.com.

Installing Spectral for OpenAPI Validation

We use Spectral to lint and validate our OpenAPI specifications. Spectral helps ensure that the OpenAPI files are compliant with the OpenAPI specification and follow best practices.

Install Spectral

You can install Spectral globally using Yarn:

yarn global add @stoplight/spectral-cli

Validating OpenAPI Specifications

To validate an OpenAPI specification file using Spectral, run:


spectral lint src/v1/spec.yaml


spectral lint src/v2/spec.yaml


spectral lint src/hub-rest-api/spec.yaml

Spectral will output any errors or warnings found in the specification files.

Validating OpenAPI Specifications with Swagger

In addition to Spectral, you can use the Swagger CLI to validate your OpenAPI specifications.

Install Swagger CLI

You can install Swagger CLI globally using Yarn:

yarn global add swagger-cli

Validate OpenAPI Specifications with Swagger CLI

To validate an OpenAPI specification file using Swagger CLI, run:


swagger-cli validate src/v1/spec.yaml


swagger-cli validate src/v2/spec.yaml


swagger-cli validate src/hub-rest-api/spec.yaml

This will check for structural errors and report any issues.

Installing Client Code Generator

We use OpenAPI Generator to generate client code from the OpenAPI specifications.

Install OpenAPI Generator

Prerequisite: Java must be installed.

Install OpenAPI Generator using Homebrew:

brew install openapi-generator

Generating TypeScript Client Code Using the OAS Definitions


openapi-generator generate -i src/v1/spec.yaml -g typescript-axios -o src/v1/swagger-tmp


openapi-generator generate -i src/v2/spec.yaml -g typescript-axios -o src/v2/swagger-tmp


openapi-generator generate -i src/hub-rest-api/spec.yaml -g typescript-axios -o src/hub-rest-api/swagger-tmp

For other languages, replace <generator> with a desired generator.