
Elixir client library for https://api.securionpay.com.

Primary LanguageElixirISC LicenseISC


Hex version License

Elixir client library to the SecurionPay payment gateway REST APIs.

Please refer to the docs of the original REST APIs when in doubt. This client library is a thin wrapper around it and most details are left unchanged. However, some API shortcuts (e.g. on-the-go card creation for new subscriptions, see the https://securionpay.com/docs/api#subscription-create) were removed in favor of simpler, composable APIs.

securion doesn't fully cover the original APIs yet, possibly ever. Only core features are available. Most notably, subscriptions, plans, and events are not supported.


Add securion as dependency in mix.exs:

defp deps do
  {:securion, "~> x.y.z"}


You must provide your SecurionPay API secret key. The public key is not required.

# config/config.exs

config :securion,
  secret_key: "sk_ ..."

You should also run your tests with test-only API keys, like so:

# config/test.exs

config :securion,
  secret_key: "sk_test_ ..."


  • Securion.Customer - Customers APIs.
  • Securion.Card - Payment cards APIs.
  • Securion.Token - One-time only tokens for safely handling payment cards.
  • Securion.Charge - Transactions APIs.