
Implement a functioning Binary Search Tree, with all its Basic Operations (not the Enumeration)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Binary Search Tree C++

Sample output: insert

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 1 selected: Enter the keys to be inserted, seperated by spaces
To terminate the input, press any alphabet [Enter]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 22 3 467 k
1 is already existing
3 is already existing
The size of the tree now is 11

Sample output: remove

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 2 selected: Which node do you want to remove?
6 has been removed
The size of the tree now is 10

Sample output: print

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 3 selected: Printing the tree in in-order
1  2  3  4  5  7  8  9  22  467  

Sample output: find

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 4 selected: Which node do you want to search?
Key 22 has been found, its address is 0x7f9877d041a0

Sample output: successor

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 5 selected: Whose successor are you looking for?
Successor to node 9 is 22

Sample output: predecessor

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 6 selected: Whose predecessor are you looking for?
Predecessor to node 2 is 1

Sample output: maximum

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 7 selected: Searching for the rightmost key..
467 is the maximum key

Sample output: minimum

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 8 selected: Searching for the leftmost key..
1 is the minimum key

Sample output: quit

▶︎ Select an action: 
1. INSERT, 2. REMOVE, 3. PRINT, 4. FIND, 5. SUCC, 6. PRED, 7. MAX, 8. MIN, 9. QUIT

Option 9 selected: Goodbye! Exiting the program