
Realistic Brunch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Realistic Brunch

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS: early alpha, do not expect it to be usable or even working at the moment.

An essential but comprehensive, healthy recipe for your responsive apps.

Javascript + Backbone + Handlebars + Stylus skeleton, boosted with:

Getting started

  • Create a new project via executing brunch new gh:nezoomie/realistic-brunch <project-name> option for the command.
  • Build the project with brunch b or brunch w.
  • Open the public/ dir to see the result.
  • Write your code.

Handy practices included

  • A Config model is provided for storing app-wise data. It merges defaults with the initialization option on startup

  • Models and Collections uses a context field for easily building URIs for nested resources.

      var myCollection = new Collection({
      	urlRoot: 'theCollectionPath'
      var myModel = new Model({
      	id: 1234,
      	urlRoot: 'theModelPath' 
      myCollection.context = myModel;
      // `theModelPath/4/theCollectionPath`

    Supports nesting:

      var rootModel = new Model({
      	id: 1234,
      	urlRoot: 'rootPath'
      var nestedModel = new Model({
      	id: 5678,
      	urlRoot: 'nestedPath'
      var myCollection = new Collection({
      	urlRoot: 'theCollectionPath'
      var myModel = new Model({
      	id: 9012,
      	urlRoot: 'theModelPath' 
      nestedModel.context = rootModel;
      myCollection.context = nestedModel;
      // `rootPath/1234/nestedPath/5678/theCollectionPath/9012`	
  • Marionette.js vent dispatcher for app-wise event bindings

      var app = require('application');
      app.vent.trigger('title:change','A different title');  
  • Utility function for changing page title via events

  • Handlebars template helpers for integrated translations and date formatting

  • Setup additional HTTP Headers for AJAX requests in the Config directly

  • Custom LOG() function wrapping console.log(), stripped out when building the app with ENV=production

Run tests

Tests are written in Mocha and run using Mocha-PhantomJS.

  • Put your tests into test/
  • Install PhantomJS if missing, npm install -g phantomjs
  • Install Mocha-PhantomJS if missing, npm install -g mocha-phantomjs
  • npm test

Legal Stuff (MIT License)

Distributed under MIT license.