Social Network
This is another CRUD django app but it contains new Django & software development features (non-implemented in previous projects).
Test-driven development
This project leverages some techniques of the test-driven development, meaning:
- First you define how your code/feature should behave (througt required assertions)
- It is all not implemeted yet, so it specification/requirements/test will fail.
- And than you make code that just satisfy your tests.
Features coverage
- new post
- all posts
- edit post
- posts pagination
profile page
user following
like/unlike post
setup image & CI/CD for deployment
deploy to AWS VPS
Software development features
- server-side/client-side/continuous testing
- webapp isolation (containerization)
- Testing:
- manual testing
- server-side (API) testing (django.test)
- client-side (UI) testing (selenium)
- CI/CD software developmnet best practicies:
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub project development
- Deployment/release:
- Docker project container
- Deploy project in production
Web framework features
- built-in class-based generic views
- slug model field
- all users should have a foreign key to the other users that are following them.
- the number of followers should be displayed on the profile page.
- the "Follow" button should follow or unfollow depending on wheather the user is following already (color should also change)
- user should be able to follow/unfollow other users on their profile
- all following user's posts should be displayed on the page following (order: most recent).
- users shouldn't be able to follow themselfs (button disabled).
Feature test coverage
What features have test suites?
- Post MVT/CRUD views
- Post CRUD templates
- Posts model + Users
- Post MVT like
- User profile
- User posts
- User following
- Post pagination
How to test (assert working)?
- Write new. Test new. (Write old. Test old. Write new. Test old on new. )
- Test new. Write new. Test on new.
- assert your code
- assert code you aren't sure
- test what you would test manually (clone process)
Client-side code
Assert client-side code is valid (assert code you write): (Assert interface with the back-end is valid!)
- Assert HTML markup (HTML DOM)
- assert
- assert
- assert
- Assert Jinja template engine
- assert
{% url %}
- assert
{% for %}
- assert
- Assert JavaScript logic/intereacitvity
- assert
- assert
Design patterns in Django app
CRUD component design:
- Model
- Form
- View
- Template
Customize Django app
Custom back-end:
- Settings
- Apps
- Models
- Managers
- Forms
- Mixins
- Decorators
- Validators
- URLs/Views
- Templates (client interface)
- Admin interfaces
- Tests