
API that allows you to get data from satelites, sensors (NASA & Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

This readme file provides an overview and documentation for the astrodata_api application's RESTful API, focusing on the package handlers.

The API provides access to various space weather data retrieval endpoints:


  • Base URL: https://i_don't_have_yet/api :(
  • Health check
GET /health
  • Description: checks the health of the API

  • Response:

status Code: 200 OK
content-Type: application/json

Dst data

  • Description: returns dst data for n period
GET /dst/7d
GET /dst/current-month
GET /dst/last-month
GET /dst/now
GET /api/dst/by-date?date=data (YYYYMM format, Example: 202306)
GET /dst/now/strength
  • Response:
Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Predictions (60% sure)

  • Description: calculate and returns the predicted dst index for the next n hours (future predict (60% sure))
GET /predict/6h
GET /predict/1d
  • Response:
Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Bz data

  • Description: retrieve bz data for n period
GET /bz/6h
GET /bz/1d
GET /bz/3d
GET /bz/7d
GET /api/bz/7d
GET /bz/now
GET /bz/now/strength

Plasma temperature data

  • Description: retrieve time plasma temperature data for n time period
GET /plasma/now
GET /plasma/2h
GET /plasma/6h
GET /plasma/1d
GET /api/plasma/1d
GET /plasma/3d
GET /api/plasma/3d
GET /plasma/7d
  • Error Responses
Status Code: 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
  • Example error Response:
  "error": "date parameter is missing!"
  "error": "Invalid date format"

CORS Configs

  • The API is configured to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) by using the github.com/gin-contrib/cors middleware, enabling access to the API from different domains.

  • The API will be available at https://somesite.xyz, make requests to the defined endpoints to access space weather data.

  • Please ensure that the appropriate URL is used along with any required query parameters when making requests to the API endpoints.


  • Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

  • Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
