Nanoplot expect png output in hybrid assembly mode
jenmuell opened this issue · 0 comments
Description of the bug
Since the last update 2.0.0 the Nanoplot command expect a .png output but this output format was removed from version 1.1.1 to 2.0.0. I solved the issue by removing the png output line in the modules/local/
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
- Command line: NXF_VER=21.04.1 nextflow run nf-core/bacass -r 2.0.0 --input samplesheet-bacass.csv --kraken2db ~/db/kraken/k2_pluspf_16gb_20210127.tar --annotation_tool dfast --assembly_type hybrid -profile docker --outdir results
- See error:
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_BACASS:BACASS:NANOPLOT (NS45)'
Caused by:
Missing output file(s) *.png
expected by process NFCORE_BACASS:BACASS:NANOPLOT (NS45)
Command executed:
-t 2
--fastq 2111-DK-l1-001.fastq
echo $(NanoPlot --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.NanoPlot //; s/ .$//' > nanoplot.version.txt
Command exit status:
Command output:
Work dir:
Tip: view the complete command output by changing to the process work dir and entering the command cat .command.out
Expected behaviour
I would expect that the Nanoplot process produce different output formats for the length distribution and similar statistics of my long reads
Log files
Have you provided the following extra information/files:
- The command used to run the pipeline
- The
file can be found in my fork of the bacass pipeline (
- Hardware: HPC/Desktop
- Executor: local
- OS: Linux
- Version 18.04
Nextflow Installation
- Version:
Container engine
- Engine: Docker
- version: 20.10.11