
Use meta map for allele_id and allele_name

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Description of feature

allele_id and allele_name are currently written and extracted to/from text files containing the peptides. Adding the allele information to the meta map increases code readability and also prepares the modules for upcoming module changes.

Also check for more parameters/informations which can be appended to the meta map to increase code readability.

While working on this Issue following problems occurred, which make the changes unnecessary at the moment:

The allele_name and allele_id need to be added to the meta map after the peptides were divided into chunks (or during) which is done in the process: SPLIT_PRED_TASKS. In this process the chunks are written to files containing a header line, in which the corresponding allele for this batch of peptides is saved. From this point we can either extract the header line within the nextflow process to append it to the meta map or extract it in the following PREDICT_EPITOPES process for further use. Therefore, we want to make these changes as soon as there are modules for the epitopeprediction which need the alleles defined in the meta map. Or if we see the necessity for downstream processes.