- 1
Mifare Plus with no known key
#73 opened by KaezerR - 6
Diff Nt = 1 , The attack didn't progress...
#64 opened by Unknown6555 - 0
- 1
- 2
Finding the key takes forever?
#61 opened by fabioganga - 2
- 0
Check Key with Mfcuk
#88 opened by cenzo85 - 7
Error code 0x09, what does it means ?
#56 opened by Shadow7369124 - 12
- 4
How compile mfcuk
#35 opened by aleks921 - 0
Help installing mfuk on windows
#85 opened by Bertramanderson - 39
- 1
Infinity auths, cannot recover keys
#83 opened by francescolarocca - 0
Static nonce implementation.
#84 opened by Hmvgit - 18
Can't recover keys from 'weaker' cards
#39 opened by Stewart8 - 36
- 2
hit4 stuck to 0 - ACR122U
#79 opened by Mik3Rizzo - 6
Mfcuk svn repository
#38 opened by axiomatico - 4
Segmentation fault
#51 opened by rosariodp20 - 10
Diff Nt and Auth always equal
#50 opened by alexislg2 - 0
Befehle schreiben
#78 opened by Kristijan999 - 1
- 1
0Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#75 opened - 10
SIGSEGV in recovery
#77 opened by 0x5ECF4ULT - 1
Can't dump tag ISO14443B-2 ST Rx
#48 opened by lam560 - 2
mfcuk: ERROR: connecting to NFC reader
#74 opened by andrearizzello - 12
Attack never gets past stage 1
#30 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 6
Can't recover keys
#62 opened by HighGuard - 11
key never change
#32 opened by NotsOverflow - 3
Segmentation Fault: `SAK` is `0x28`
#72 opened by recolic - 2
Two compilation warnings
#65 opened by ArchangeGabriel - 1
mfcuk error code 03
#34 opened by aleks921 - 1
- 1
Obfuscated code for Kiddies
#71 opened by LucRoadRunner - 0
The right key doesn't look like the right key
#69 opened by EnnioEvo - 0
- 0
mfcuk r65 and lib1.5.1 never found key ?
#63 opened by Unknown6555 - 2
- 1
Hello friend
#58 opened by uchihamadara23 - 0
Does anyone have the program which can simulate the process of the authentication of reader and tag?
#54 opened by SCljh - 0
Do anyone know about the parity bit?
#55 opened by SCljh - 0
Recovery key of 7 bytes UID
#27 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
it works with PN544?
#43 opened by pruwait - 1
android mfcuk
#53 opened by farhad2161 - 2
Key gets never found
#47 opened by Johnwulp - 1
- 0
Recovery stops or "Bus error" with -v 3 key
#46 opened by Artaud1 - 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#42 opened by bp101010 - 1
- 0