
Converters for different endpoint repositories

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

ARC Converters

Auto-deployed collection of ARC converters for converting ARCs to end-point repositories.

General workflow

  • Converters in this repository are simple fsx script files that share a common structure
  • When pushed to the main branch, they get automatically compiled and released
  • Now they are accessible using the ArcCommander, which makes use of the common structure to to run a streamlined conversion

Contribution Guide


  1. Create issue with background information about the converter you want to add. This also serves as a place for discussion.
  2. Fork this repository.
  3. Create a feature branch.
  4. Clone your fork-branch.
  5. Add/Update ONE new converter.
  6. Test your converter locally.
  7. Commit, push and sync your branch.
    • 👀 Add your issue id (for example #32) to your commit so it is automatically linked.
  8. Open a pull request referencing your issue. 🎉

Create a converter

  • Start with adding a file to the converters folder. It MUST follow the naming scheme arc-convert-<FORMATNAME>.fsx.
  • Go into the file and add a reference to arcIO.NET
  • Add a create() function which has the converter body as return value
  • The converter body must be of type ARCconverter(located in arcIO.NET.Converter), selecting the return type you want. Your code could now look like this:
    #r "nuget: arcIO.NET, 0.1.0-preview.5" 
    #r "nuget: FSharp.Data, 5.0.2"
    open ISADotNet
    open ISADotNet.QueryModel
    open ISADotNet.QueryModel.Linq.Spreadsheet
    open arcIO.NET.Converter
    open FsSpreadsheet.DSL
    open FSharp.Data
    let create() = ARCconverter.ARCtoXLSX (
        fun i s a ->
    Note, that all converters take a QInvestigation, a QStudy and a QAssay as input. Which study and assay are selected to be converted is decided by the ArcCommander when running the conversion.
  • Now fill out the converter body as you wish, the return type being determined by the format case you specified.
    • Documentation about the ISADotNet Querymodel can be found here
    • Documentation about the FsSpreadsheet DSL can be found here
    • Documentation about the LitXML DSL can be found here

Test a converter

Lorem ipsum

Run a deployed converter

Released converters can be run by the ArcCommander using the syntax:

arc convert geo

Check out arc convert --help for additional info.

Allowed references

Only references to libraries referenced by the ArcCommander are allowed:

#r "nuget: arcIO.NET, 0.1.0-preview.5" 
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data, 5.0.2"
#r "nuget: LitXml"

Note, that arcIO.NET is always required and already comes packed with all dependencies for using the ISADotNet QueryModel and parsing to Spreadsheet based output formats.