
This image runs mongodump to backup data using cronjob to folder `/backup` and azure storage service

Primary LanguageShell


This image runs mongodump to backup data using cronjob to folder /backup and azure storage service


docker run -d \
    --env MONGODB_HOST=mongodb.host \
    --env MONGODB_PORT=27017 \
    --env MONGODB_USER=admin \
    --env MONGODB_PASS=password \
    --volume host.folder:/backup \
    --env AZ_USER=[Application ID GUID] \
    --env AZ_SECRET=[Application KEY] \
    --env AZ_AD_TENANT_ID=[Tenant AD ID GUID] \
    --env AZ_STORAGE_SHARE=[Share name] \
    --env AZ_STORAGE_FOLDER=[Folder to save] \
    --env AZ_STORAGE_CS=[Storage connection string]

Moreover, if you link dimkk/azure-docker-mongodb-backup to a mongodb container(e.g. tutum/mongodb) with an alias named mongodb, this image will try to auto load the host, port, user, pass if possible.

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -e MONGODB_PASS="mypass" --name mongodb tutum/mongodb
docker run -d --link mongodb:mongodb -v host.folder:/backup tutum/mongodb-backup

If want you can run the container using an environment file

docker run --detach \
    --env-file environment-file \
    --volume host.folder:/backup \


MONGODB_HOST    the host/ip of your mongodb database
MONGODB_PORT    the port number of your mongodb database
MONGODB_USER    the username of your mongodb database. If MONGODB_USER is empty while MONGODB_PASS is not, the image will use admin as the default username
MONGODB_PASS    the password of your mongodb database
MONGODB_DB      the database name to dump. If not specified, it will dump all the databases
EXTRA_OPTS      the extra options to pass to mongodump command
CRON_TIME       the interval of cron job to run mongodump. `0 0 * * *` by default, which is every day at 00:00
MAX_BACKUPS     the number of backups to keep. When reaching the limit, the old backup will be discarded. No limit, by default
INIT_BACKUP     if set, create a backup when the container launched
AZ_USER         azure application guid, to get it, and AZ_SECRET, if set, azure save/delete will work [read here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal)
AZ_SECRET       azure application secret
AZ_AD_TENANT_ID azure Active Directory Tenant ID, you can find it here -> https://manage.windowsazure.com/serco.onmicrosoft.com#Workspaces/ActiveDirectoryExtension/Directory/**<Tenant ID GUID>**/directoryQuickStart
AZ_STORAGE_FOLDER azure folder in share to save backups
AZ_STORAGE_SHARE azure share name - create it yourself!
AZ_STORAGE_CS   azure storage connection string

Restore from a backup

See the list of backups, you can run:

docker exec tutum-backup ls /backup

To restore database from a certain backup, simply run:

docker exec tutum-backup /restore.sh /backup/2015.08.06.171901