
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a template for a backend server running Express and Mongoose.

It was made for my friend lilytastic.

Configuration can be set be editing config.js. Ideally, you would load these values from environmental variables, or a .env file.

To run the project, you can use either npm start or node ..

If you want to do some debugging, you can use node --inspect . or node --inspect-brk . and connect with your preferred debugger. I recommend using Chrome's dedicated DevTools for Node.

I used express-promise-router and return promises from each of my routes because makes error handling a lot cleaner. You can throw errors created by the http-errors module and they will be handled nicely by middleware/httpErrorHandler.

A Postman collection is available for this API:

  1. Open Postman
  2. Click the "Import" button
  3. Click the "Import From Link" tab
  4. Paste this link
  5. Click "Import"