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Developing a TensorBoard plugin


You know (and, we hope, love!) TensorBoard’s core features like the scalar dashboard, the graph explorer, and the embedding projector. However, in every TensorBoard user’s life, there comes a time when they want some cool new visualization that just…doesn’t exist yet. That’s what the TensorBoard plugin system is for.

We want to enable everyone in the TensorFlow community to add new dashboards and visualizations to TensorBoard. You can do this by writing a TensorBoard plugin. Doing so requires you to have some familiarity with JavaScript development (for building a web-based visualization) and with Python development (for writing the plugin backend).

This repository is a live example of a simple custom TensorBoard, which implements standard TensorBoard features as well as a “Greeter plugin”. The Greeter plugin has a special “greeter summary” op that will greet, by name, any character the developer wants. It’s the “hello, world” of TensorBoard plugins.

To test out the custom “greeter TensorBoard” with the Greeter Plugin, first install Bazel and install TensorFlow.

Note: This example requires TensorFlow 1.3 to run. As of 2017-07-24, TensorFlow 1.3 isn’t out yet, which means you need to install one of TensorFlow’s cutting edge nightly binaries. You can find the nightly download urls here.

Then, clone and cd into this repository, and run the following commands:

bazel run //greeter_plugin:greeter_demo
bazel run //greeter_tensorboard -- --logdir=/tmp/greeter_demo


To be successful writing a TensorBoard Plugin, you’ll need to be familiar with general TensorBoard usage. We recommend starting with Dandelion Mané’s Hands-on TensorBoard tutorial at the 2017 TensorFlow Dev Summit. We then recommend taking a look at the TensorBoard README and working through the tutorial.

As a plugin developer, there are a few concepts you should be especially familiar with.

TensorFlow summaries

The TensorFlow summary system captures tensors as they flow through the graph, and stores them to event logs on disk using tf.summary.FileWriter. TensorBoard then reads these event log files into memory to extract Summary protobufs.

Note: Protocol Buffers are sort of like JSON objects, except they have schemas, a compiler that generates object mapping code for multiple languages, and a really efficient binary encoding, as well as text encoding format.

The following three fields of the Summary protobuf are the most important:

  • The tag, which is a string that is uniquely associated with a certain “stream” of related data.
  • The SummaryMetadata object, which contains metadata associated with that tag, including plugin-specific metadata. You can store your own arbitrary binary encoded protobufs in its fields.
  • The TensorProto content field. We use TensorProto because they are generally a natural way of representing data in TensorFlow. Since TensorProtos support arbitrary byte arrays, you can put any kind of data in them.

TensorBoard data model: runs and tags

Let’s say you train a model with three sets of hyperparameters. Logically, you want to keep track of which data was associated with which set of hyperparameters, or which ‘run’ of TensorFlow. That gives us the TensorBoard concept of a run.

A run describes a sequence of events that came from a single execution context of TensorFlow. Each event has a timestamp and a monotonically increasing step counter, which was passed to the add_summary method.

You’ll probably track multiple parameters in your model: say, the accuracy, precision, and cross-entropy. Each of these will have its own tag. Each tag tracks how a particular metric or measurement evolves over time. Each run may have many tags.

Finally, the data for each run is stored in event files within a directory corresponding to that run. The directory name becomes the name of the run. When you launch TensorBoard, you specify a log directory (logdir); any runs under this directory will be picked up and loaded into TensorBoard.

Plugins: Three Easy Pieces

Now that we have the background out of the way, we can talk about plugins! Each plugin consists of three basic parts:

  • The API layer is how users of your plugins will write data that your plugin can read.
  • The Backend layer is where you write Python code that does post-processing of your data and serves the data to your plugin frontend in the browser.
  • The Frontend layer is where your custom visualization lives.

API layer: How the plugin gets data

Users of your plugin will use your API to emit protocol buffers containing the data that your plugin will visualize. In general, you should expose two ways of doing this: via a TensorFlow summary op, and by directly creating a protocol buffer.

For example, let’s create a Greeter plugin. It provides a greeter op method, which creates a TensorFlow op that emits a string-tensor summary. It also provides a pb function that creates this directly, outside of a TensorFlow context. Standard TensorBoard plugins should follow this API.

Here’s the code; we’ll explain it below:

"""This module provides summaries for the Greeter plugin."""

import tensorflow as tf

PLUGIN_NAME = 'greeter'

def op(name,
  """Create a TensorFlow summary op to greet the given guest.

    name: A name for this summary operation.
    guest: A rank-0 string `Tensor`.
    display_name: If set, will be used as the display name
      in TensorBoard. Defaults to `name`.
    description: A longform readable description of the summary data.
      Markdown is supported.
    collections: Which TensorFlow graph collections to add the summary
      op to. Defaults to `['summaries']`. Can usually be ignored.

  # The `name` argument is used to generate the summary op node name.
  # That node name will also involve the TensorFlow name scope.
  # By having the display_name default to the name argument, we make
  # the TensorBoard display clearer.
  if display_name is None:
    display_name = name

  summary_metadata = tf.SummaryMetadata()
  # We could put additional metadata other than the PLUGIN_NAME,
  # but we don't need any metadata for this simple example.
  summary_metadata.plugin_data.add(plugin_name=PLUGIN_NAME, content="")
  message = tf.string_join(['Hello, ', guest, '!'])
  # Return a summary op that is properly configured.
  return tf.summary.tensor_summary(

def pb(tag, guest, display_name=None, description=None):
  """Create a greeting summary for the given guest.

    tag: The string tag associated with the summary.
    guest: The string name of the guest to greet.
    display_name: If set, will be used as the display name in
      TensorBoard. Defaults to `tag`.
    description: A longform readable description of the summary data.
      Markdown is supported.
  message = 'Hello, %s!' % guest
  tensor = tf.make_tensor_proto(message, dtype=tf.string)

  summary_metadata = tf.SummaryMetadata(display_name=display_name,
  metadata_content = '{}'  # We have no metadata to store.

  summary = tf.Summary()
  return summary

The op and pb methods above are two different ways of creating the same data: Summary protobufs containing "Hello, $guest" as a string tensor, with a unique tag, and with the appropriate metadata.

We’ve discussed above why we need the tag (to distinguish data series from each other) and the tensor (to hold the actual payload data). But why do we need metadata?

Without the metadata, there is no way for plugins to know which Summarys they are interested in. How would the Greeter plugin know that these Summarys weren’t intended for a different plugin that also handles text data, and just happened to have “Hello” in the beginning of the message?

The Greeter plugin’s summaries are distinguished by the fact that they all have a plugin_data entry in the SummaryMetadata which is marked with the Greeter plugin_name, which is, appropriately, "greeter".

The SummaryMetadata can also contain additional information describing each series. TensorBoard uses it to store the display_name and description. These both describe the series of data as a whole, rather than individual data points, so it makes sense to put them in the metadata. Your plugin could also define some additional metadata—that can go in the metadata_content field. Traditionally, if you have metadata_content, you should put in either

  • a custom protocol buffer for your plugin, serialized as a ByteString or String, or
  • a JSON object, serialized as a string.

The metadata may be quite long—imagine writing a long description (with hyperlinks, Markdown code blocks, et cetera) which explains exactly how a certain data series is calculated in your model. To save space, we don’t write the metadata every time. The tf.summary.FileWriter only writes metadata once per tag. (Specifically: the FileWriter only writes metadata the first time it encounters a given tag. Afterwards, it discards the metadata.) Thus, changing the metadata for a given tag is a bad idea.

You might be wondering why we have tag and display_name as separate concepts. Why not always use the tag as the display name in TensorBoard?

This happens because we can’t allow tags to collide. If tag collision happens, it’s impossible to tell which data came from which series. TensorFlow prevents tag collision by using the summary op’s node name as the tag; that means it is guaranteed to be unique by the TensorFlow naming system. But that also means implementation noise from the graph is included in a tag. If you add a scalar op with the name "loss" deep inside your graph, its tag might become something like "tower1/layer8/loss". Keeping the display name as a separate concept ensures that your TensorBoard will still be easy to read.

For examples of some more realistic plugins, check out the scalar and histogram plugins included with TensorBoard.

Along with this module, you should include a demo module that generates representative data for your plugin, and which exercises all of your plugin’s features. This script serves multiple purposes. First, it’s useful for users of your plugin: they can inspect this script to see how to adapt it for their own uses. Second, it’s useful for you as you’re testing: you can always invoke this script to generate your test data. Third, you can use this in conjunction with your frontend unit tests: your demo script generates test data and your unit tests interact with your dashboard. Finally, by combining the demo scripts from various plugins, we can create a “mega-demo” that shows off all the features of TensorBoard.

As inspiration, here are the scalar plugin demo and histogram plugin demo included with TensorBoard.

Backend: How the plugin processes data, and sends it to the browser

Note: The backend APIs are under active development and might change. If you create a GitHub issue telling us that you’re working on a plugin, then we can proactively reach out and help you update your code when API changes occur.

To provide routes (endpoints) for your plugin, create a subclass of BasePlugin. Your subclass must have a static plugin_name property, and you’ll need to implement the following methods:

  • __init__: Your plugin will be passed a TBContext when it is constructed. Among other things, this context exposes an event multiplexer, which is used to access the actual summary data. You’ll probably want to store this onto your plugin object for later use.
  • is_active: This should return whether the plugin is active (whether there exists relevant data for the plugin to process). TensorBoard will exclude inactive plugins from the main navigation bar.
  • get_plugin_apps: This should return a dictionary mapping routes to WSGI applications.

Each entry in the result of get_plugin_apps should have its key a route name string, like /tags, and its value a WSGI application for handling that route. A WSGI application is just a Python function that handles HTTP traffic. The easiest way to create such a function is to use the @werkzeug.wrappers.Request.application decorator, which lets you write a simple function that takes a Request object and returns a Response object. (See below for an example.) You can consult the WSGI spec for more information.

To retrieve relevant data (tensors) read from summaries, the logic of your plugin’s route should call PluginRunToTagToContent with the plugin_name. This returns a dictionary mapping from run name to all of the tags that are associated with your plugin. The tag names themselves map to the content from the PluginData proto.

Subsequently, with knowledge of which tags are relevant, your plugin can retrieve the tensors relevant to each tag. Call the Tensors method of the multiplexer object to retrieve the tensors sampled by TensorBoard.

Below, GreeterPlugin demonstrates how a very basic plugin works. To peruse the code of a real plugin, see TextPlugin or any of the plugins within TensorBoard’s GitHub repository.

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import six
from werkzeug import wrappers

from tensorboard.backend import http_util
from tensorboard.plugins import base_plugin

class GreeterPlugin(base_plugin.TBPlugin):
  """A plugin that serves greetings recorded during model runs."""

  # This static property will also be included within routes (URL paths)
  # offered by this plugin. This property must uniquely identify this plugin
  # from all other plugins.
  plugin_name = 'greeter'

  def __init__(self, context):
    """Instantiates a GreeterPlugin.

      context: A base_plugin.TBContext instance. A magic container that
        TensorBoard uses to make objects available to the plugin.
    # We retrieve the multiplexer from the context and store a reference
    # to it.
    self._multiplexer = context.multiplexer

  def tags_route(self, request):
    """A route (HTTP handler) that returns a response with tags.

      A response that contains a JSON object. The keys of the object
      are all the runs. Each run is mapped to a (potentially empty)
      list of all tags that are relevant to this plugin.
    # This is a dictionary mapping from run to (tag to string content).
    # To be clear, the values of the dictionary are dictionaries.
    all_runs = self._multiplexer.PluginRunToTagToContent(

    # tagToContent is itself a dictionary mapping tag name to string
    # content. We retrieve the keys of that dictionary to obtain a
    # list of tags associated with each run.
    response = {
        run: tagToContent.keys()
             for (run, tagToContent) in all_runs.items()
    return http_util.Respond(request, response, 'application/json')

  def get_plugin_apps(self):
    """Gets all routes offered by the plugin.

    This method is called by TensorBoard when retrieving all the
    routes offered by the plugin.

      A dictionary mapping URL path to route that handles it.
    # Note that the methods handling routes are decorated with
    # @wrappers.Request.application.
    return {
        '/tags': self.tags_route,
        '/greetings': self.greetings_route,

  def is_active(self):
    """Determines whether this plugin is active.

    This plugin is only active if TensorBoard sampled any summaries
    relevant to the greeter plugin.

      Whether this plugin is active.

    all_runs = self._multiplexer.PluginRunToTagToContent(

    # The plugin is active if any of the runs has a tag relevant
    # to the plugin.
    return bool(self._multiplexer and any(six.itervalues(all_runs)))

  def _process_string_tensor_event(self, event):
    """Convert a TensorEvent into a JSON-compatible response."""
    string_arr = tf.make_ndarray(event.tensor_proto)
    text = string_arr.astype(np.dtype(str)).tostring()
    return {
        'wall_time': event.wall_time,
        'step': event.step,
        'text': text,

  def greetings_route(self, request):
    """A route that returns the greetings associated with a tag.

      A JSON list of greetings associated with the run and tag
    run = request.args.get('run')
    tag = request.args.get('tag')

    # We fetch all the tensor events that contain greetings.
    tensor_events = self._multiplexer.Tensors(run, tag)

    # We convert the tensor data to text.
    response = [self._process_string_tensor_event(ev) for
                ev in tensor_events]
    return http_util.Respond(request, response, 'application/json')

Note that the TensorBoard team is actively developing SQL databases as a backend for TensorBoard plugins. Once that lands, we’ll update the example plugin to use a SQL backend. See TensorBoard#92 for context.

Frontend: How the plugin visualizes your new data

Now that we have an API and a Backend, it’s time for the cool part: adding a visualization.

TensorBoard is built on Polymer (1.x). Polymer makes it easy to define new custom components and embed them within other applications, which makes it great for embedding new visualizations and new dashboards into TensorBoard.

The first question to ask as you work on your plugin is: do you want to create a small, per-tag visualization (like the scalar chart, the histograms chart, or the image loader) and wrap it in a dashboard with standard TensorBoard UI organization? Or would you like to build everything from scratch, possibly with a single giant new visualization like the graph explorer or the projector plugin? Lots of the standard TensorBoard UI is meant to make it easy to search for different tags, so if you have one element for tag, you should use our UI helpers.

Either way, TensorBoard provides some shared frontend components to help you. You can find them at tensorboard/components. For example, tf_backend provides a RequestManager and other methods that make it convenient to request data from the TensorBoard backend, and tf_color_scale provides a single coordinated color scale for mapping runs to colors, in a way that is consistent across TensorBoard.

If you’re planning on rolling your own dashboard without re-using much of the TensorBoard UI, you can pick and choose a few components that suit you, and mostly ignore the rest. Note that the TensorBoard toolbar and plugin selector at the top of the screen is not a part of any individual plugin, so it will always be there.

On the other hand, you might find it convenient to re-use the core TensorBoard UI pieces, like the categorizer and run selector. We’ve made it easy to do that. There are two kinds of plugins that we expect will re-use these UI elements: plugins that render a visualization for every (run, tag) combination, like the Histograms dashboard, and plugins that render a single visualization for every tag, displaying multiple runs all in the same chart. The Scalar dashboard is an example.

In either of these cases, we recommend starting with an existing dashboard that is relatively close to your use case, and modifying it to do what you need. We’ll take a look at the scalar dashboard code and explain the key concepts.

First, you’ll notice that the code imports a lot of components—both generic Polymer components like paper-input, and shared TensorBoard components like tf-dashboard-layout and tf-category-pane, and finally some plugin specific components like tf-scalar-chart.

Next, we dive in with setting up a standard dashboard layout. Here is an overview of some important components, described in the order they appear in the scalar dashboard:

  • tf-dashboard-layout: Makes it easy to set up a sidebar section and main section within TensorBoard. The sidebar should hold configuration options, and the run selector.
  • tf-runs-selector: The canonical way to enable or disable various runs in the TensorBoard frontend.
  • tf-category-pane: After the tags have been grouped into categories, it displays a single category.
  • tf-paginated-view: Paginates the elements in a category, so you can’t overload the browser by instantiating hundreds at once.
  • tf-scalar-chart: The actual visualization to instantiate. Swap this out in your own dashboards.


Once you have a plugin (or, more realistically, as you are developing it), you will want to use it inside TensorBoard. To do that, we recommend you fork this repository; it has everything set up for you.

Basically, the way you integrate a new plugin is by creating a custom TensorBoard build. The custom build needs to change two things:

  1. It needs to use its own main.py file, which imports the standard TensorBoard plugins, and adds a new one on the backend.
  2. It needs to provide its own index.html file, which imports the new TensorBoard plugin frontend, and registers it as a dashboard.

If you want to really understand what’s going on with the integration, you’ll need to understand Bazel, our build system. You can read the Bazel docs and also our compilation of useful tips.

A note on naming

TensorBoard is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, but the name itself is a trademark of Google Inc. When distributing custom builds of TensorBoard, we recommend that they be branded something other than TensorBoard, e.g. TensorBoard-X.

We have this policy because we want to make TensorBoard as open as possible without confusing users. For example, users have been confused in the past when pip installing a custom tensorboard broke their existing TensorBoard install, due to changes in behavior and namespace collisions.


Thanks for your interest in TensorBoard plugins! On behalf of the TensorFlow and TensorBoard team, we’re really excited to see what you’ll create.

If you are planning to develop a plugin and want to run your design by the TensorBoard team, you can create an issue discussing it in the main TensorBoard repository. If you find any issues with this plugin example or README, please send a pull request or file an issue on the tensorboard-plugin-example repo.