
Easy to use WebRTC data channels and media transport. libdatachannel node bindings.

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Easy to use WebRTC data channels and media transport

Linux CI Build Windows CI Build Mac x64 CI Build Mac M1 CI Build

  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight
    • No need to deal with WebRTC stack!
    • Small binary sizes
  • Type infos for Typescript

This project is NodeJS bindings for libdatachannel library.

Please check libdatachannel for Compatibility & WebRTC details.


npm install node-datachannel

Supported Platforms

node-datachannel targets N-API version 8 and supports NodeJS v16 and above. It is tested on Linux, Windows and MacOS. For N-API compatibility please check here.

Linux-x64 Linux-armv7 Linux-arm64(1) Windows-x86 Windows-x64 Mac (M1 + x64)
Node V16 + + + + + +
Node V17 + + + + + +
Node V18 + + + + + +
Node V19 + + + + + +
Node V20 + + + + + +
  1. Please note that; For Linux-arm64 platform we need OpenSSL to be installed locally.


node-datachannel supports Electron.

Please check electron demo

Example Usage

import nodeDataChannel from 'node-datachannel';

// Log Level

let dc1 = null;
let dc2 = null;

let peer1 = new nodeDataChannel.PeerConnection('Peer1', { iceServers: ['stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'] });

// Set Callbacks
peer1.onLocalDescription((sdp, type) => {
    console.log('Peer1 SDP:', sdp, ' Type:', type);
    peer2.setRemoteDescription(sdp, type);
peer1.onLocalCandidate((candidate, mid) => {
    console.log('Peer1 Candidate:', candidate);
    peer2.addRemoteCandidate(candidate, mid);

let peer2 = new nodeDataChannel.PeerConnection('Peer2', { iceServers: ['stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'] });

// Set Callbacks
peer2.onLocalDescription((sdp, type) => {
    console.log('Peer2 SDP:', sdp, ' Type:', type);
    peer1.setRemoteDescription(sdp, type);
peer2.onLocalCandidate((candidate, mid) => {
    console.log('Peer2 Candidate:', candidate);
    peer1.addRemoteCandidate(candidate, mid);
peer2.onDataChannel((dc) => {
    console.log('Peer2 Got DataChannel: ', dc.getLabel());
    dc2 = dc;
    dc2.onMessage((msg) => {
        console.log('Peer2 Received Msg:', msg);
    dc2.sendMessage('Hello From Peer2');

dc1 = peer1.createDataChannel('test');

dc1.onOpen(() => {
    dc1.sendMessage('Hello from Peer1');

dc1.onMessage((msg) => {
    console.log('Peer1 Received Msg:', msg);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 10 * 1000);

WebRTC Polyfills

Please check here


npm run test                  # Unit tests
node test/connectivity.js     # Connectivity


Please check here


Please check examples folder

API Docs

Please check docs page


Thanks to Streamr for supporting this project by being a Sponsor!