
LoopBack 4 Tracing Component

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LoopBack 4 Tracing Component



Some modules need to be installed as peer dependencies with at least a certain version.

@loopback/core  >=2.14.0
@loopback/rest  >=9.1.2


npm install loopback4-tracing

Initialize tracing

Before loading any application code it is required to initialize tracing. This is usually done at the top of the index.js or index.ts file.

require("loopback4-tracing").init({/* config */});

or in TypeScript it is also possible to do

import { initializeTracing } from "loopback4-tracing";

initializeTracing({/* config */});

Bind the component

This will add the tracing interceptor and observer to the application. The interceptor will create method invocation spans and the observer is required to gracefully shutdown the tracer provider and exporters when the application is stopped.

import { TracingBindings, TracingComponent } from "loopback4-tracing";

export class MyApplication extends BootMixin(
) {
    constructor(options?: ApplicationConfig) {



The module provides a lot of auto instrumentations by default but is also possible to create custom spans in your code.

Trace decorator

The easiest way create custom spans is by using the decorator which can be added to any method.

import { trace } from "loopback4-tracing";

class ExampleService {
    constructor() {}

    exampleMethod() {
        // do some work

The decorator will wrap the method into a span which will use the method name as span name by default. It is also possible to use a custom span name by setting the operation name in the decorator options.

@trace({ operationName: "customName" })

Create custom span

The first step is get the tracer of the service either by using dependency injection

import { Tracer, TracingBindings } from "loopback4-tracing";

class ExampleService {
        private tracer: Tracer
    ) {}

    exampleMethod() {
        const span = this.tracer.startSpan("exampleMethod");

        // do some work


or by directly importing the tracer

import { tracer } from "loopback4-tracing";

function exampleFunction() {
    const span = tracer.startSpan("exampleFunction");

    // do some work


Get active span

In some cases it might not be desired to create a new span but instead get the active span to add additional events and attributes to it.

import { getActiveSpan } from "loopback4-tracing";

function exampleFunction() {
    const span = getActiveSpan();

    span.addEvent("some event");

    span.setAttribute("custom.attribute", "some value");


Most of the time it is not recommended to change the default configuration but there are some cases where it makes sense, for example to enable / disable default instrumentations provided by the module such as http.

The module can be configured by providing custom values in the init function or by using environment variables which will have highest priority.

Note: By default tracing is not enabled. The recommended approach is to enable tracing by setting the environment variable TRACING_ENABLED=true and to only enable it if the collected traces are analyzed.

Configuration parameters

Parameter Environment Variable Description Default Type
enabled TRACING_ENABLED Enable tracing false boolean
serviceName TRACING_SERVICE_NAME Name of service pkg.name string
serviceVersion TRACING_SERVICE_VERSION Version of service pkg.version string
propagationFormat TRACING_PROPAGATION_FORMAT Propagation format "jaeger" "jaeger" | "w3c"
setRequestId TRACING_SET_REQUEST_ID Set request id in error and response true boolean
jaeger.enabled TRACING_JAEGER_ENABLED Enable jaeger exporter true boolean
jaeger.host TRACING_JAEGER_HOST Jaeger host "localhost" string
jaeger.port TRACING_JAEGER_PORT Jaeger port 6832 number
jaeger.endpoint TRACING_JAEGER_ENDPOINT Jaeger traces endpoint undefined string
jaeger.spanProcessor.type TRACING_JAEGER_SPAN_PROCESSOR Jaeger span processor type "batch" "simple" | "batch"
console.enabled TRACING_CONSOLE_ENABLED Enable console exporter false boolean
diagnostics.enabled TRACING_DIAGNOSTICS_ENABLED Enable diagnostics logger false boolean
diagnostics.logLevel TRACING_DIAGNOSTICS_LOG_LEVEL Log level of diag logger 9999 DiagLogLevel
methodInvocations.enabled TRACING_METHOD_INVOCATIONS_ENABLED Enable method invocation spans true boolean
http.enabled TRACING_HTTP_ENABLED Enable http instrumentation true boolean

For further details about possible configuration options, see tracing options.

Note: Some values can not be configured by using environment variables but instead need to be provided to the init function.


For an example on how to create custom spans see tracing interceptor and for more information, please read the opentelemetry tracing documentation.


To enable debug logs set the DEBUG environment variable to loopback:tracing:*, see Setting debug strings for further details.

Related resources


contributions welcome


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.